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Analysis: America, Pakistan, India & F16’s

The following is the draft translation of a political analysis article written in Arabic. Question: It was announced in Washington on 25/3/2005 that the American government agreed to sell to Pakistan (F16) fighters, as a part of an aid program to Pakistan that continues for five years and reaches 3 billion dollars. American had stopped the deal in 1990 because of the Pakistani nuclear program. So what has changed after 15 years so that America agrees rather than stops the deal? Is it possible America remembered that Pakistan had helped it in the occupation of Afghanistan, so it decided to reward it through this deal of fighters, more than three years after the end of the war against Afghanistan? Answer: There is no reason for not accepting the deal is a reward to the Pakistani regime for its betrayal to the ummah, and standing on the side of America in its aggression against Afghanistan, for America raised the degree of this regime to the status of (Strategically of America). However

Political Analysis about Rice's visit to Central Asia

The following is the draft translation of a political analysis article written in Arabic. Question: Rice visited Central Asia on 13-14.10.2005 and met the presidents of those countries, also with the president of Russia towards the end of her visit on 15.10.2005, but he who follows the declarations after the visit, perceives as if America had lost the tour in most of the former soviet republics, does that mean that Russia held the reigns of taking the initiative again, after it had lost the reigns when it lost Georgia and Ukraine? Answer: The interest of America with what is called the Independent countries, that is the republics which were separated from the old Soviet Union after disengagement (Armenia, Azerbaijan, White Russia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldavia, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan) besides the three Baltic countries which were separated before from the Union, this American interest started a while after the disengagement of the Soviet

Political Analysis on Syria

The following is the draft translation of a political analysis article written in Arabic. Question: The Security Council issued the resolution 1636 on 31.10.2005 which obligates Syria with a complete and unconditioned co-operation with the International investigation committee headed by Melis, the resolution was based on chapter seven which is concerned with the penalty procedures in the case of not executing the resolution. America and France were active behind this resolution. The Syrian President preceded this resolution, and originated on 29.10.2005 (a juristic investigation committee) which has the authority of investigating civilians and military persons whom the committee of Meliss suspects, and to co-operate with the International investigation committee. The question is: the international investigation committee pointed to Syria, and the Syrian juristic investigation committee was asked to co-operate with the International committee, does that mean that the Syrian system or it