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The fictitious expansion of Tajikistan's ruling party

The following is a draft translation from Arabic. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم The fictitious expansion of the ruling party is an exercise to demonstrate its strength. The Democratic Peoples Party of Tajikistan is the ruling party of the Republic and its President Rahmanov is ruling since 1994CE. At a meeting held on 23rd September 2006CE the party nominated its president for the presidentship of the republic. Reliable information suggests that the ruling Democratic Peoples Party of Tajikistan is making efforts in various parts of the land to even forcibly boost its ranks. People of various categories are being enrolled; especially the intelligentsia including doctors, students, workers and the wealthy are being coerced into joining its ranks. The intention is to project the party as a gigantic one that has supporters and members in different parts of the land and to portray the party as one that is capable of ruling. But the fact remains, and is apparent that there are other legal parties i

World Aids day - an Islamic perspective

The following is a transcript of a circle I delivered on this subject. • December 1st was World Aids Day, we have seen in the newspapers and on TV screens a lot of discussion about HIV & Aids • Let us look at this subject to understand its reality and look at the Islamic solution to the problem of HIV & Aids. • HIV stands out in respect of its prevention. It is one of the most notorious infectious diseases around today, with good reason, as it is currently incurable. Although, it’s disease progression in an individual can be significantly slowed down. • The uniqueness of HIV is in its transmission. It is a virus that must pass from person to person through the exchange of significant quantities of bodily fluids, primarily sexual fluid or blood. • These fluids do not ordinarily transfer from person to person except through the undertaking of specific activities over which an individual normally has control. The main methods of transmission amongst adults are via sexual intercour

'I Rule Over Real Men'

One day, Jariya Ibnu Qudama Al-Saadi entered to Mu'awiya who, at the time, was the head of the Islamic state. Three of the Roman emperor's ministers happened to be also present. Mu'awiya said to Jariya: Were you not one of Ali's allies in all of his opinions? Jariya said: Leave Ali (may Allah honour him) aside, for we have not despised him since we loved him, nor have we cheated him since we advised him. Upon this Mu'awiya said to him: Woe to you o Jariya! You must have been lowly in your parents' eyes, for they called you Jariya (meaning slave girl or maid). Jariya replied: You must have been lowly in your parents' eyes, for they called you Mu'awiya, the bitch on heat who barked and lured the dogs. Mu'awiya shouted: Shut up you motherless one! Jariya replied: You shut up o Mu'awiya (he did not say Amir of the believers), for I have a mother who bore me for the swords with which we faced you one day. Then we have given you our pledge of allegianc