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Tafsir of Baqara Verse 30 “I will send my Khalifa on Earth…” by Shaykh `Ata’

A  Tafsir  of  surat  al-Baqara Verse 30 by Shaykh `Ata ibn Khalil (Allah protect him) *** { And [mention, O Muhammad], when your Lord said to the angels, ‘Indeed, I will create [1]  on earth a  khalifa .’ They said, ‘Will You put there someone who causes corruption and sheds blood, while we declare Your praise and sanctify You?’ Allah said, ‘Indeed, I know that which you do not know’… } The noble shaykh,  mufassir  and  mujtahid  `Ata ibn Khalil (Allah protect him) commented on the blessed verse in surat  al-Baqara:30: بعد أن بيّن الله سبحانه أنه المحيي والمميت وأنه الخالق للسموات والأرض وأنه بكلّ   شيء عليم، ذكّر الله سبحانه بالمزيد من نعمه على الناس، كلّ ذلك من باب التعجب والتوبيخ لأولئك الذين يكفرون بالله بعد كلّ هذه النعم التي أنعمها الله عليهم،   فبدل أن تكون دافعاً لهم ليؤمنوا ويستقيموا يكفرون ويضلون، ومن مزيد نعمه هي التي أنعمها الله على آدم – عليه السلام – بتأهيله للخلافة في الأرض. وقد استفسرت   الملائكة من الله سبحانه عن هذا الأمر الذي يؤهل آدم للخلافة بدلاً من

Impediments to Strengthening the Nafsiyyah Part 4 “Shaytan”

Impediments to Strengthening the Islamic Disposition – Part 4:  Shaytan One of the impediments to a person building h/her  nafsiyya  and strengthening it is the accursed  shaytan . Allah mentions in the Qur’an as a warning for us: { Did I not enjoin on you of children of Adam not to worship shayatn ; he is a determined enemy of yours; you should worship Me alone and this is the Straight Path .  But he led astray a multitude of you. Did you not then understand? }. [1] What are the dangers of  shaytan ? They include : Making a person follow their own desires, whims and caprices. Tricks, deceives and dupes human beings. Generates false hopes, aims and ambitions. Misleads, misguides and leads astray from the Straight Path. [2] What are some of the ways in which to battle  shaytan ? They include : Keeping company with people who remind one of Allah and his beloved Messenger. Attending places of congregational worship, e.g. the Mosque. Attending gatherings of knowledge