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Q&A: Lebanese Presidential Elections and the Saudi-Iranian Dispute

Question: It is noticeable that the election process for the President of the Lebanese Republic is stumbling and the quota in the parliament has not been met. This matter has been repeated even though it is known that the real effective forces are represented in Hezbollah and its supporters, and in the Future Movement and its supporters. That is whilst it is well-known that Iran and Saudi are behind both of these factions. So what is the explanation for the failure to meet the quota whilst the powers supporting those sides, Iran and Saudi, are both loyal to America? Why are they working so that the quota is not met? There is also an additional matter and that relates to what is noticeable in terms of a heated tension between Saudi and Iran in Lebanon whilst both of them are loyal to America. So what is the reason for that? And may Allah reward you with goodness. Answer: The answer is made clear through the presentation of the following matters: 1 – The subject of the Leba

University Loans; a response.

This article is from Intellectual Issuance blog. All praise is due to the Almighty Allah ﷻ. I write this article in light of a recent student finance seminar led by my brother and senior in Islam, Shaykh Haitham Al-Haddad. I first wish to inform the reader of something that he/she should know; it is important that you think for yourself. Ever since our decline, we have forever passed on our cognition to another on matters that we are able to evaluate, leaving our minds desolate and unable to understand a given reality. For those who question the validity of this article, please know it is built upon the work of the eminent mujtahid Sheikh Taqiuddin al-Nabahani, whom graduated from Al-Azhar University and the Dar-ul-Ulum college of Cairo, primarily upon his two renowned books; ‘Economic System in Islam’ and ‘Islamic Personality’, both of which I will cite here: Al-Nabhani, T., 1990.  The Economic System In Islam .  Fourth edition.London: Al-Khilafah Publications. Al-Nabhani, T

Q&A: What is the Difference between Khair and Shar, and Husn and Qubh?

Question:                                                                As-Salaam Alaikum Sheikh, may Allah grant you a long life to witness the victory, InshaAllah. I have a question about the difference between Khair (good) and Shar (evil), and Husn (pretty) and Qubh (ugly)? Because when the topic is raised among the brothers, varying answers are given on the subject, please explain to us the difference between the two subjects, May Allah bless you. From Abu Qusay Answer : Wa Alaikum As-Salaam Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatuhu A. Husn (pretty) and Qubh (ugly), and Khair (good) and Shar (evil) are terminologies used by the scholars of jurisprudence and the understanding of their meanings would be according to how they defined and used them, and not as in their stated meaning in the language. I.e. for you to know the meaning and the difference between them, you must refer to the scholars of Jurisprudence not the scholars of the language, do not open the dictionary and loo