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What is the Qur'an?| Ramadan Daily Sessions 2019 | Iyad Hilal

Source: Al Arqam Institute Youtube Channel

New Zealand Mosque Shooting is an inevitable outcome of decades of War on Terror language

50 Muslims killed at Friday prayers in #NewZealandShooting by far right fanatics.  When they can livestream murder of worshippers at prayer you know depravity has sunk to lowest pits. This hatred has been stoked by politicians and media. They must be accounted alongside killers. They said they never expected such a thing to happen in a place like New Zealand. I almost agreed but then I remembered they said exactly the same thing when a gunman killed worshippers in a mosque in Quebec last year. They said the same thing when Anders Breivik carried out his murderous rampage in idyllic Norway.  The truth is this hatred has been stoked at every level and is deeply institutional and transcontinental.  Armed far right groups have turned up outside mosques in the USA, intimidating and threatening unarmed worshippers - as a matter of routine.  Donald Trump’s brazen anti-Muslim rhetoric, Boris Johnson’s vilification of Muslim women, Tommy Robinson, Katie Hopkins, J

Q&A on Adoption - Part 1

I received the following question along with other questions in response to the  research  I had published on the 21st of January 2019, 14th Jumadi al awwal 1440. Question:- The  Fuqaha  discussed the principle of ‘ uniting the word of the muslims ’ and said that it is expected from the Muslims to leave their own opinions and adopt that opinion which unites the Muslims in their affairs. Does this not serve as a  daleel  to prove the concept of adoption? Answer :- It is true that  Wahda  (unity) is an important concept and as long as  Maslaha  is achieved through it then people should abandon their view for it. However, the  Wahda  (unity) should be qualified ( mutahaqqaq ). It is discussed by the scholars using various terminologies including ‘ jama ’  Kalimat al Muslimeen ’ ‘Uniting the word of the Muslims’. The  usulioon  did discuss this concept under the chapter of ‘conditions of adopting the weaker view during necessity’ however none of them presented the view that the