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Between Sufism and Salafism

Unfortunately today we find groupings amongst the Ummah who have taken the age old divisions regarding the branches of belief, usūl al-fiqh and jurisprudence to extremes. They speak with an agenda to refute each other and exhaust much effort in this pursuit. Regrettably they consider each other the enemy whilst our lands are occupied by the kuffār, such as the land of the Isrā’ and Mi’rāj (The Prophet’s Night Journey), whilst Muslim blood is spilt by the colonialists the world over and whilst the enemies of Islam seek to seduce Muslims away from our core values, sharī’ah rules and even our ‘aqīdah (belief). Putting aside the fringe minority amongst both camps, who have clearly gone totally astray – such as those amongst the Sufis that believe in  Wahdat al-wujūd  – that Allāh (swt) is part of the creation, or those amongst the Salafī ultra-Żāhirī’s (literalists) who make Takfīr (pronouncing disbelief) on everyone apart from themselves – looking at the mainstream of both camps today

The Islamic Ruling on Protests and Demonstrations

The Saudi Attempt to Silence the Word of Truth The ummah (Islamic nation) around the world is rising and seeking to reclaim the authority that was stolen from her by the tyrant rulers of the Middle East. In country after country we are seeing the people lose their fear of the regimes that have been suppressing, repressing, torturing and imprisoning them and standing in the way of their political aspirations. Now some of these rulers have fallen, and others are living precariously; the momentum is for change and the ummah will not now turn back. This struggle that the ummah is engaged in is the highest struggle: political struggle sanctioned by the Messenger (saw) when he said: ‘The best struggle (jihād) is the word of truth spoken to a tyrant ruler.’ (Al-Nasā’ī) Yet, we find some ‘ulamā (clerics) sponsored by the Saudi regime giving a most unfortunate regressive fatwā (religious edict) that protests and demonstrations in that land are harām (prohibited). In this ar

The Method of Study in Islam

The following is a translation from the Usul Al-Fiqh masterpiece of the Arabic book “The Islamic Personality -  Volume 1” by Sheikh Taqiuddin an-Nabhani. Please refer to the original Arabic for accurate meanings.  The Islamic culture has a method of study, and this method is summarised in three points: First : That the study should be deep until the matters are correctly comprehended because this culture is conceptually deep rooted and its study requires patience and forbearance. Since culturing oneself with it is an intellectual process which requires mental exertion to comprehend them because it requires the comprehension of its sentences, cognizance of its reality and its linkage with information through which this reality is understood. This is why it is essential to acquire it intellectually. For instance, the Muslim is obliged to adopt his creed through ration and not by unquestioning submission. So, the study of whatever relates to the basis of the creed inevitably requir