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Showing posts from November, 2008

Views on the News - 28/11/08

Latin America: Russia Bolsters ties with Venezuela Taking advantage of America’s waning influence in Latin America, leaders of Russia and Venezuela vowed closer cooperation to establish a “multi-polar” world. The pledge came ahead of planned Russian Naval exercises with Venezuela. Speaking about the closer military cooperation Russian President Medvedev said, “is not a market relationship or aimed at any other state but is based on partnership ... It should strengthen multi-polarity in the world including in South America and Latin America...We will develop our military cooperation.” Hugo Chavez the leader of Venezuela expressed harsher words about US hegemony. “We should fight to make a world of catastrophes caused by hegemony and unilateralism a thing of the past,” said Chavez, going on to denounce what he called the “dictatorship of the dollar” and announcing efforts to move away from dollar transactions in trade with Russia. On the commercial front the two countries inked an agreem

Analysis on G20 Summit

The following is a translation from Arabic. 1. From 14 to 15 of November the Group of Twenty (G20) met to discuss a variety of issues pertaining to the healthy of the world economy. Before elaborating on what was discussed and concluded, it is important to comprehend some background information. 2. The Global Financial System (GFS) unleashed a series of financial crisis in Mexico (1994-95), Asia (1997-98), Russia (1998), and Argentina (1999). It was in the aftermath of these crises that The G20 (more formally known as the Group of Twenty Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors) was formally established at the G7 Finance Ministers' meeting on September 26, 1999. The inaugural meeting took place on December 15-16, 1999 in Berlin. 3. G20 is a group that consists of finance ministers and central bank governors from 20 economies. This includes 19 of the world's largest national economies, plus the European Union (EU). Collectively, the G20 economies comprise 8

Analysis: Conflict in Congo

The following is a translation from Arabic. There is no doubt that the rebel leader in the Eastern Congo General Laurent Nkunda is backed by neighbouring Rwanda since he is a descendent of the same Tutsi tribe that rules over Rwanda. The British newspaper Guardian reports that Nkunda had joined Rwanda’s National Patriotic Front (RPF) led by the current president Paul Kagame during the 1994 war time massacres. The visits of the British & French foreign ministers to Rwanda immediately after their Congo visits confirms Rwanda’s involvement in supporting Nkunda, though Rwanda still denies it. It must be remembered that Rwanda is a pro-American state eversince the Tutsi tribe took over the reigns of power after having expelled the Hutu tribe which was previously supported by France. The current president of Congo, Joseph Kabila hired the Hutu tribesmen to resist the Rwandan backed Tutsis and this provided Rwanda the justification to to intervene under the excuse that the Hutu tribe is a

Views on the news - 20/11/08

Britain ’s launches secularised Islamic awareness week On 16/11/2008 leading British politicians, dignitaries, and community leaders joined in an “Islamic Awareness Week”. The campaign launched in the House of Commons aims to further promote communication and connectivity. The theme this year is “Celebrating the Best of Britain’s Shared Values.” Dr. Zahoor Qurashi, President of The Islamic Society of Britain said,” We feel that our role is more important than ever before for us to actually talk about a face of Islam which we understand to be the true face of Islam, which talks about tolerance and peace and patience and working with the wider society, with Muslims and non-Muslims, to promote values which are common.” Dr. Zahoor also discussed the importance of interfaith dialogue. Muslims in Britain should be proud of their Islamic ideology and should not be so apologetic. Rather than promoting Islam in the context of British secular values, Muslims must take the lead in exposing the f

Virtual Economy - Root Cause: Analysis of The Current Financial Crisis

In a statement made to a congressional committee on April 3, 2008, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bernanke said that “if Bear Stearns had been allowed to fail, it would have led to a “chaotic unwinding” of Bearn Stearns investments held by individuals and other financial institutions. Moreover, the adverse impact of a default would not have been confined to the financial system but would have been felt broadly in the real economy through its effects on asset values and credit availability”[1]. In an article published by Newsweek, October 11, 2008, Daniel Gross writes [3]: “Back in 2002, Apple’s stock was trading far below the level of cash on its books, ascribing a value of zero to its brands and products, compared with several billion at the height of the boom”. Both statements refer to the existence of two views of the economy: a real economy which is reflected by the level of cash on corporate books, and an inflated, exaggerated view which is reflected in the curr

Article 14, Explanation of the Draft Constitution of the Khilafah

The following is from the draft english translation of the Arabic book مقدمة الدستور أو الأسباب الموجبة له (Introduction to the constitution and the evidences that make it obligatory) published by Hizb ut-Tahrir 1382 Hijri (1963 CE). Please refer to the original Arabic for accurate meanings. Please note some of the adopted opinions of the Hizb have changed since the time the book was published so any of the adopted literature published after this book which contradicts what is mentioned in this book abrogates those specific points. Article 14: The principle in actions is the abidance by the Shari'ah rule. Hence, no action should be undertaken unless its rule is known. The principle in things is Ibaha (permissibility) as long as there is no evidence stipulating prohibition. Explanation and evidences: The Muslim is commanded to conduct his actions according to the Shari'ah rules. Allah (swt) says: [4-65] "No by your God, they shall not have true belief until they make y

To save disaster capitalism, Brown turns to Arab dictators

2 November 2008 – British Prime Minister Gordon Brown is currently visiting the Gulf asking oil-rich states to replenish the International Monetary Fund’s coffers and invest in British businesses as the country enters a recession. He said they had a responsibility to contribute “hundreds of billions” more to the IMF’s emergency bailout package “to lend to those countries at risk of financial collapse” and said he was keen on them investing in British business, following the example of Manchester City Football Club and Barclays Bank, which this week raised £5.8 billion from funds in Abu Dhabi and Qatar. Commenting on Brown’s visit, Taji Mustafa, media representative of Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain said, “The gall of Brown and other western leaders is amazing. This crisis originated in the US sub-prime market and has been magnified by the casino of the derivatives market . As people in the West fundamentally question the banking and finance system that has brought this disaster and profits in

Article 13, Explanation of the Draft Constitution of the Khilafah

The following is from the draft english translation of the Arabic book مقدمة الدستور أو الأسباب الموجبة له (Introduction to the constitution and the evidences that make it obligatory) published by Hizb ut-Tahrir 1382 Hijri (1963 CE). Please refer to the original Arabic for accurate meanings. Please note some of the adopted opinions of the Hizb have changed since the time the book was published so any of the adopted literature published after this book which contradicts what is mentioned in this book abrogates those specific points. Article 13: In essence, one is innocent. No one should be punished without a court ruling. It is absolutely forbidden to torture anyone and whoever does this will be punished. Explanation and evidences: This article covers three issues: The principle of innocence, the prohibition of imposing a penalty without a judge’s sentence and the prohibition of torture. As for the first issue, its evidence is derived from what Abu Dawood reported on the authori

Views on the news - 13/11/08

Obama chooses Muslim haters as his advisors Recently Obama’s appointment of Rahm Emanuel as Chief of Staff has raised consternation amongst Arab nations. Emanuel is an avid Israeli supporter. He holds an Israeli passport and joined the Israeli army reserve during the first Gulf War in the early 1990s. A prominent Israeli newspaper, Maariv described Mr. Emanuel’s appointment as "our man in the White House". No less has been attention attracted by Sonal Shah’s appointment as an advisor. Shah and her family have connections with religious Hindu parties including the Bahartia Janta Party (BJP). BJP is well known for its hatred for Muslims and played an instrumental role in the Gujrat massacre in 2002. Both appointments underscore that America will continue to look favorably towards Israel and India, and its position towards the Muslim world is not about to soften. Minster says Britain’s parliament is too white Harriet Harman, Minister for Women and Equality in Prime Minister Gor

Did the Rasool (saw) accept the Najashi to rule by the law of kufr?

The following is a chapter from the book 'The Da'wah to Islam' by Sheikh Ahmad Mahmoud which can be downloaded from Did the Rasool (saw) accept the Najashi, who had embraced Islam, to rule by the law of kufr? The one who carries Islam truthfully, and works with sincerity to re-establish it in ruling and life, whether as an individual or group, is not able to participate in any kufr rule, while claiming that he is working to destroy it. This is because participating in a kufr rule, which applies the systems and laws of kufr, is consolidation of the systems of kufr and not destruction of them. The proof that may be brought, to justify participation in a kufr rule, is nothing but self-deception, before deception to Allah (swt) and the believers. Especially when that proof is in conflict with the Shar’ee evidences, which are definite in meaning and authenticity. It is indeed a severe test and a great sin, for the da’wah carr