The Maharashtra state Animal Preservation (Amendment) Act came into force from March 4, 2015 with the President giving his sanction to it. It extends a previous ban on cow slaughter to bulls and bullocks too, those caught violating the law face a five-year jail term and a fine of Rs 10,000 (160 $), if convicted. This ban has rendered thousands of Muslims jobless, loss of revenue to the tune of Rs.100 Billion (1.6 Billion USD) and even zoo animals being fed the low energy chicken instead of beef. Moving ahead, Consider the following scenario - You are at work; kids in school. Someone rings your doorbell. Your wife opens the door and the person barges in. He dashes to your fridge and scrambles through the freezer box and drops the contents to the floor. He finds red meat (perhaps mutton?), deems it beef and books you! If that’s not eccentric enough, the onus is on you to prove that the meat is not beef! It’s effectively- “guilty until proven innocent”. We are referring he
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