The following is the translation of an Arabic article. The origin in respect to the meaning of “At-Tabanniy” (adoption) is the taking or adoption of the son and it has been used in a metaphorical manner to refer to the taking or adoption of the opinion. It is therefore said for example that: “Tabannaa Zaid Fikran” (Zaid adopted an idea or thought) i.e. that he took a thought for himself making it his. Within the context of the Ahkaam Ash-Shar’iyah it is said that “Zaid Tabannaa (adopted) the Hurmah (prohibition) of a matter or the Hall (permissibility) of a matter” etc… Meaning that he had designated for himself a particular Hukm Shar’iy (ruling) from among the numerous rulings. That “he took or adopted it as an opinion that he would regulate his conduct with”. The intended meaning of “At-Tabanniy” (adoption) in this study, is that meaning which is held by a group in this current time of ours. That is in the case where they say: “The Ameer (leader) of the Jamaa’ah is the one
"Thoughts are the greatest wealth of any nation."