This is an extract from the book "Al Jaami'u li Ahkaam is Siyaam" (A complete guide to the rules of fasting) by Sheikh Abu Iyaas Mahmood bin Abdul-Lateef bin Mahmood ('Uwaydhah). Please note this is a draft translation from Arabic. For exact meanings please refer to the original Arabic book . Zakaat-ul-Fitr : It is also called ‘Sadaqat-ul-Fitr’; the two names have appeared in the Noble Ahaadeeth and become widespread in the books of Fiqh. Sadaqat-ul-Fitr or Zakaat-ul-Fitr is a Zakaah like the other obligatory Zaakawaat and it is a type from amongst the types of Zakaah and has therefore been placed by the Fuqahaa in the chapter of Zakaah. I have however preferred to place it here in the chapter of As-Sawm due to its connection with it just as I have included a number of other topics which have a relationship to fasting despite there being placed in different chapters of Fiqh ordinarily. I have done this as can be seen from the title of this book I wa...
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