Introduction P rophecies relating to the coming of the final hour, have a powerful propensity to capture the imagination. None more so than those which appear in our tradition, the final revelation sent to mankind. Indeed, it can cogently be argued that in our present era we have borne witness to some of them: whether that be the Arabs competing in the construction of tall buildings, the lady which is clothed yet naked, and the tyranny of security forces beating people with whips. Several questions have been tabled of late asking specifically about Prophecies relating to ‘the Battle Expedition of India,’ the ‘ ghazwat-ul-hind ’, what the authenticity of the traditions are, and whether this specifically relates to events prior to the end of days. Rather than listing all questions, it is intended that this short comment will cover all those areas that have been raised, with the permission and help of Allah the exalted. Citations Out of the well-kno...