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Showing posts with the label Aqeeda (Belief)

Iman is more than 'At-Tasdeeq al-Jaazim' (decisive assent) | Professor Muhammad al-Massari

This video from the Tafseer of Quran circles of Professor Muhammad al-Massari includes an in depth explanation regarding the Shariah definition of Iman. Using evidences from the Quran, the Sheikh elucidates a refinement to the traditional definition of Iman as 'At-Tasdeeq al-Jaazim' (decisive assent). He explains the need to include 'acceptance' and 'surrender' in the definition.    Source

The 'Kufr' of Allying with the Enemies of Islam

The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him forewarned us that the era prior to the advent of the Dajj ā l would be characterised by years of deception and treachery .  This is exemplified by the alliances which are often made with the enemies of Islam, bringing the topic of allegiance to the fore.  To provide cover and justify the crimes of modern-day dictatorships, some have bizarrely argued that the allying with the enemies of Islam, arising from the political expediency of the ruler, isn’t essentially problematic because it is not accompanied with ‘loving them.’  Yet the explicit text of the Qur’ān provides rebuttal to such an absurdity.  It is not merely a trivial matter, nor simply one relating to acts of political expediency, but rather it is a grave matter: drawing the line between al-‘Im ā n (faith, belief) and kufr (disbelief). Nature of allegiance An explanation of allegiance through the lens of the Islamic texts is a far cry from how allegiance is

There is no king but Allah | Professor al-Massari

Presented here is a short translated excerpt entitled ‘There is no king but Allah’.  This is taken from chapter six (Significant issues concerning Ruling in Islam) from the book entitled Ḥakimiyah & the Sovereignty of Sharī’ah by Professor Muhammad al-Massari .  There is a substantial number of evidences from the Prophetic Sunnah that discuss matters pertaining to kingship/monarchy, ruling, and the political trajectory of the Muslim Ummah . The article therefore begins by examining the ḥadith that talk about kingship in general, thereafter examining the issue of kingship as it emerged for the Children of Israel.   What is also noteworthy, is how the Prophet (peace be upon him) himself interacted with the rulers of his time, as well as the understanding that he bequeathed to him companions.  Each of the narratives that detail this are set out and evaluated in turn.  Given that kingship has been a pervasive feature of political ruling within the Muslim world for many ce

Was the Prophet (sas) Influenced by Magic? | Iyad Hilal

The following is a critical assessment of the reports that discuss the Prophet (sas) and influences of magic. An Islamic frame of reference is established and the reports are evaluated through their Sanad and Matn. Furthermore, there's a discussion of the evidences presented by those critical of the fact that the Prophet (sas) had been influenced by magic.  00:00 ​ - Framework for Discussing Magic   10:02 ​ - Chronology for Reports About the Incident | The First Mention & Classical Scholars' Views   17:03 ​ - Summary of the Incident 21:03 ​ - Sanad | Investigating the Reports of the Incident  30:36 ​ - Matn | Inconsistencies in the Reports on Magic on Prophet Muhammad (sas)  38:40 ​ - Evidences Against the Influence of Magic on the Prophet (sas)  54:21 ​ - Views of Those Who Accept the Reports   57:32 ​ - Conclusion | Thoughts Regarding Strength of Evidence & Hadith Literature  This video was live-streamed on June 1st, 2019 as part of the Ramadan Series. The Ram

Muslim Political Apathy leads to Atheism

If Islam be denied political agency because it is too inconvenient, then surely by the same principle, the rest of Islam be also denied when inconvenient also. And when the voice of Islam that resides in the minds of Muslims, be also deemed inconvenient due to the insufferable dissonance between absence of action and Islam’s persistent exhortation to obligation, application and resolution of the affairs of the believer and the community of believers – it too shall be exorcised in the name of the same principle by which Islam was denied any political agency in the first place – inconvenience. Over time, the muffled and mostly silenced voice of Islam will be (mis)taken for an absence of the ability of Islam, and therefore God – to ever address and resolve worldly problems. Forgotten will be the reasons for the cause of the inconvenience, those who created and maintained it, who imposed and guarded it – the guns of foreign powers, the whip wielded by colonially created ruling elite

New Book: Kitāb ut-Tawḥeed: The Basis of Islam and the Reality of Monotheism

The Book of Monotheism Kit ā b ut-Tawḥeed: The Basis of Islam and the Reality of Monotheism, occupies a unique place amongst contemporary Islamic works. Volume 1 is now published and is the first book in the series. The book is the magnum opus of Professor Muḥammad ibn Abdullah al-Mas’ari (may Allah preserve him), and has been rendered into English for the first time. The work represents an in-depth study into the very root origins of Islam, the essential nature of Tawḥeed .  Coupled with that, it tackles head on not only the age-old problem concerning the precise nature of worship ( ibādah ) and polytheism ( shirk ), but also how these topics correspond to contemporary issues like ruling, governance and allegiance. Liberated from confused ill-disciplined divisions, primacy throughout the work is given to the original textual sources: the Qur’an and the Prophetic Sunnah .  By returning to the original textual sources many of the phantasms that have plagued Islamic thou

Aqeedah & Its Application - As Presented in Juz 'Amma Part 1/2 | Ramadan Sessions 2019

Source: Al Arqam Institute Youtube Channel

New book: Jesus: Man – Messenger – Messiah

Nearly two billion Christians and over 1.5 billion Muslims believe in him, yet Jesus is perhaps the most misunderstood and misrepresented person in history. This book explores and demystifies Jesus – his life, teachings, personality and mission. It highlights commonalities but also examines differences between Christianity and Islam. This book explains where  and how the Qur’an challenges the traditional Church narrative. In doing so, it presents the reader with a compelling and clear understanding of Jesus and his true message. The book also demonstrates why the Qur’an is the ‘missing link’, that all important ‘bridge’ connecting Judaism and Christianity, uniting all of the Abrahamic faiths. Fully referenced and packed with up-to-date research, yet written in a readable style, this book will change your perspective on Jesus and his message forever!   A Sneak Preview Inside The Book   1. The History of the Trinity: The many different views about Jesus in

The spread of Islam by the sword

  The following is the translation of an Arabic article. The least that can be said regarding the statement that Islam was spread at the point of the sword is that it is a statement that holds no credibility, which the enemies of Islam have attempted to pass off to non-thinking Muslims. That is in the case where they claim that the objective of the fighting is to make the people enter Islam by way of force, even though the falseness of this view is as clear as the sun. That is because the Islam (i.e. entry into it) which Islam has demanded, is the Islam which the person embraces by way of complete conviction and wilful consent. As such, there is no worth or value in the presence of something called Islam (i.e. belief in it), unless it came via complete conviction. The fact that it is not Islaam (i.e. belief in it) unless it occurs via complete conviction, means that the matter of fighting for the purpose of making the people embrace Islam, represents an impossible matter. That is b

An examination of the miraculous quality or inimitability of the Qur’aan

The following is the translation of an Arabic article. The miraculous matter is that matter which breaks or exceeds the norm or what is usual in any time and place. The new invention breaks the norm however it is caught up with by something similar to it or better than it and as such is not considered to be miraculous. Therefore, for the matter to be miraculous or inimitable, it is necessary that the people be incapable of reproducing the like of it in every time and place. This is a matter which is not realised in anything present or existing within all that exists, except in the Qur’aan which Allah Ta’Aalaa revealed upon our Sayyid Muhammad ﷺ . Allah ‘Azza Wa Jalla has made it the eternal proof of the Muslims to establish the correctness or validity of their Deen and to prove that it is from Allah alone and not the production of any human being. The people’s realisation of the existence of Allah is a matter which is possible by way of the ‘Aql (mind). However, the people ca