The following is the translation of an Arabic article, the original has been included below. The Majaal (place of focus to bring the change) of the Da’wah is a prisoner to the capability of carrying it and to where the Mana’ah exists, whilst it is not a prisoner to any particular land. Therefore, any land that does not possess the Mana’ah or it possesses it but it is not possible to carry the Da’wah within it, is not valid for any group to limit or restrict its Majaal to it. This represents a Hukm Shar’iy which is obligatory upon every Jamaa’ah (group) to adhere to. It does not fall under the category of evaluation and examination or the category of deciding by examination the designation of the Majaal of the work. Rather, it represents a Hukm Shar’iy which can be understood quickly by the one who reads the Seerah of the Nabi ﷺ before the establishment of the state. That is because, when Allah ‘Azza Wa Jalla dispatched the Messenger of Allah ﷺ in Makkah (i.e. with the mission of Prophe...
"Thoughts are the greatest wealth of any nation."