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Views on the news - 24/07/08

Butcher of Bosnia is finally caught but what about those who kept silent This week, Radovan Karadzic was finally apprehended and will be put on trail for the slaughter of 20,000 Muslims. But even if the infamous butcher of Bosnia is successfully prosecuted the question will always remain what about those who were in a position to stop the genocide, but chose not to. The biggest culprits were the Europeans who encouraged the genocide in their own back yard because they feared that Bosnia would turn into an Islamic state. And as long as the Muslim countries remain divided and weak the western powers will do nothing to protect the honour and blood of Muslims in Bosnia , Kosovo or elsewhere. Only the Khilafah can return honour and glory to the Muslims of Bosnia and punish those colonialist powers that spurred Karadzic to commit genocide in the first place. Russia seeks to consolidate its foothold in the Americas Reacting to reports that Russia is seeking bases in Cuba to host Tu-160 supe

Geo-political revamp

Today, much of the world problems, are a direct result of capitalism, which principally allows unbridled accumulation of capital and freedom of ownership. These principals translates into third world being forced to liberalise its economies, hoarding and manipulation of food supply, genetic seeds, monopolising markets in the name of free trade, and taking control of natural mineral resources around the world. When all else fails, a direct military intervention by the imperial powers, is the adopted way to extend their control, as seen in Iraq, and Afghanistan. The governance and economic system of Islam embodied in the Caliphate, presents detail injunctions, to deal with the plethora of problems the world faces today. Islamic revenue generating mechanism, unlike capitalist taxes, such as GST, Income Tax, etc (which disproportionately burden the masses), are based on Ushr, Kharaj, Jizya, Thoghoor, Rikaz, etc. It ensures that natural mineral resources are effectively utilised by the Cali

Pakistan's leadership vacuum

After almost eight years of military rule, Pakistan faces a myriad of challenges that threaten its very existence. American threats of unilateral action in the tribal area, Indian backed insurrection in Balochistan, a dramatic increase in suicide blasts, and the economy in tatters are some of Pakistan’s woes. But perhaps, the most significant issue is the leadership vacuum that pervades all segments of society. A manifestation of this void is the antics of the current coalition government, which over the past six months has struggled to define its purpose and chalk out a concrete programme to confront these challenge. Politicians are not the only culprits. Military top brass, bureaucratic big-wigs, industrialists and civic leaders are just as guilty. Put it another way, all have either abdicated responsibility or simply buried their heads in the sand. The only thing common amongst the nation’s leaders is the beseechment of foreign powers. Politicians unashamed of courting American and