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Q&A: Authenticity of Hadith in the Books of the Fuqahaa

Question: Assalamu alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh, It was mentioned in the book "The Islamic Personality: Part III" on the second category of the Hasan Hadith, after dividing it into two types, the following: "The narrator must be renowned for his sincerity and honesty even though he has not achieved the standard of the Sahih narrators in terms of memorisation and accuracy. The Hasan Hadith is used as proof exactly as the Sahih Hadith. What is listed of Ahadith in the books of the Imams, their students and other 'Ulema and Fuqahaa is considered part of the Hasan Hadith and is advanced as proof because they used it as evidence on Shari'ah rule (Hukm) or extracted a rule from it. It is a Hasan Hadith, whether it is contained in the books of Fiqh or Usul Al-Fiqh, on the condition that the books are approved books such as: al-Mabsut, al-Omm, and al-Mudawwana al-Kubra and the like, and not like the books of al-Bajuri and al-Shanshori and their example.

A Matter of Time not Capability

On September 26, 2014: Pakistan conducted a successful test fire of Short Range Surface to Surface Missile 'Hatf IX' (NASR). The test fire was conducted with successive launches of 4 x Missiles from a state of the art Multi Tube Launcher with Salvo Mode. NASR, with a range of 60 km and in-flight manoeuvre capability is a quick response system, with shoot and scoot attributes. It contributes to the full spectrum deterrence against the prevailing threat spectrum. This is latest addition to the military assortment of weapons that Pakistan Forces boast. Pakistan's military capability can be considered quite considerable when compared with other Muslim countries, in fact, even when compared with some non-muslim states too. Pakistan's defence industry consists mainly of state owned enterprises and a small number of private companies. The defence industry also includes seven specialized organizations devoted to research and development, production and administration.

Reply to Article by Muhana Al-Jubail: Can Democracy be an Alternative to the Khilafah in Achieving Unity?

On 23 August 2014, Aljazeera website published an article in the Knowledge section by Professor Muhanna Al-Jubail titled: " Unity and Khilafah and Democracy ", the writer addressed through it what he called the conservatives among Muslim youth, who are wary of the acceptance of democracy or to exercise it in order to achieve the Islamic unity. This unity is undoubtedly obligatory in the definite texts of the Qur'an and the Sunnah. The writer attempted to promote the idea that "there is a deep problem in the understanding of the democratic constitutional system; the constitutional system is what guarantees for citizens of religions and sects their constitutional national right". And he said, "Countries that live in a democratic space or margin is the most capable today to achieve the standards of agreement and connection with the concept of Islamic unity more than other totalitarian regimes." After the writer promoted the idea that democracy is