Question: Assalamu alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh, It was mentioned in the book "The Islamic Personality: Part III" on the second category of the Hasan Hadith, after dividing it into two types, the following: "The narrator must be renowned for his sincerity and honesty even though he has not achieved the standard of the Sahih narrators in terms of memorisation and accuracy. The Hasan Hadith is used as proof exactly as the Sahih Hadith. What is listed of Ahadith in the books of the Imams, their students and other 'Ulema and Fuqahaa is considered part of the Hasan Hadith and is advanced as proof because they used it as evidence on Shari'ah rule (Hukm) or extracted a rule from it. It is a Hasan Hadith, whether it is contained in the books of Fiqh or Usul Al-Fiqh, on the condition that the books are approved books such as: al-Mabsut, al-Omm, and al-Mudawwana al-Kubra and the like, and not like the books of al-Bajuri and al-Shanshori and their example.
"Thoughts are the greatest wealth of any nation."