بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ Some mistakenly think that an Islamic disposition (nafsiyah) and piety ( taqwa ) can be achieved by only following the commands and prohibitions of Allah regarding the actions of the limbs such as salah, enjoining good, forbidding evil abstaining from all intoxicants and haram relations with the opposite sex. This may lead them to not pay attention or ignore the shariah rules related to the actions of the heart including the muharramat (prohibited matters) and fara’id (obligations) thus leading them to sin and negligence. There is a difference between the topic of intending to do a bad deed and the ahkam relating to the actions of the heart, it is incorrect to assume from the hadith regarding the one who intends to undertake a bad deed but does not carry it out that we are free to lose hope in Allah (swt), have discontentment in the Qada (divine decree), have hatred towards to Muslims, be envious, think badly of upright Muslims, have vanity
"Thoughts are the greatest wealth of any nation."