1. Ghadeer Rooz : Dear Sheikh, nowadays poisonous substances are mixed with alcohol to prevent its intoxication, causing it to become a poisonous substance that is not intoxicating. The question here is whether the "toxic alcohol produced for perfumes" is impure (Najis), corrupting the purity of the clothing? 2. Abu Mahmoud Al-Khalili : Alcohol contained in perfume is of two types, one of it being intoxicating, known under the name of ethyl alcohol. Now the toxic alcohol is what is known under the name of methyl alcohol. Do they both share the same Islamic ruling? 3. Mustapha Abdul 'Aal : If it is not drunk, oh Sheikh? 4. Iklil Al-Jabal : Does this ruling apply to pharmaceuticals? Especially as many of the hand cleaning substances in all branches of health services are made up of alcohols, "ethanol + isopropanol", it is the same with mouthwashes. We use alcohol in some of the pharmaceutical productions as solvents or preservatives. 5. Manal Bader
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