The following is an extract from the draft translation of the arabic book entitled 'Dawa ilal Islam' (Dawa to Islam) by Sheikh Ahmad Mahmoud, published by Al-Waie Publications in Lebanon. I will be posting the sections of the book related to this subject. Methods contrary to the Shar’ee method As compared with what we have mentioned about the method of the Messenger (saw) and the importance of emulating it and not deviating away from it, we find there are other approaches adopted by Islamic groups or Muslim intellectuals, which relate to this subject. Regardless of who said it, we must concern ourselves with what has been said. We must undertake a quick examinination of them, removing the veil from them, so that the Muslim does not continue confused and lost in the maze of these approaches, or harbours doubts about carrying the da’wah. In what follows, we present some of the most important approaches. * Some Muslims say the obligation of working to establish the Khilafah must b...
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