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The difference between the Capitalist, Communist & the Islamic economic System

The following is a translation of Arabic. Thoughts, in any nation, are the greatest wealth the nation possesses if the nation is newly born; and they are the greatest gift that any generation can receive from a preceding generation, provided the nation is based on an enlightened thought. With regard to material wealth, scientific discoveries, industrial inventions and the like, all of these are of much lower importance than thoughts. In fact, to excel in these fields is dependent upon the level of thought and their preservation also depends upon the level of thought. If the material wealth of a nation is destroyed, it is possible for it to be restored quickly as long as the nation preserves its intellectual wealth. However, if the intellectual wealth collapses and the nation retains only its materialistic wealth, this wealth will soon vanish and the nation will return to poverty. Most of the scientific achievements which the nation once made can be regained, provided it does not lose i...