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Letter from Sheikh Ata Abu Al-Rishta to the Shabab in Palestine who were harmed due their Da'wah

The following is a draft translation from Arabic. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Letter from the Ameer of Hizb ut-Tahrir, the scholar Sheikh Ata Ibn Khaleel Abu Al-Rishta (May Allah protect him) to the Shabab of Hizb ut-Tahrir who were harmed after the Hjzb issued a leaflet (call) entitled 'The Accord - it's a disaster' After the Shabab of Hizb ut-Tahrir distrubuted leaflets entitled, 'Hizb ut-Tahrir‘s call to All Palestinians in General and Especially to Hamas & Fatah' and 'The Accord… it’s a disaster, Declaration of Hamas and Fatah to abide by the decisions of the Arab summits, to honour the international resolutions and regional pacts amounts to recognising the Jewish State!', they were exposed to persecution and beaten especially from those in authority ولا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله العلي العظيم . The following is letter that was sent to them by the Ameer of the Hizb, the scholar - Sheikh Ata Abu al-Rishta: Dear Brothers, Asslamu alaikum wa rahmat ullahi wa bar...

Treaties in Islam

The following is a useful article written by a brother some time ago. It is especially relavent now due to the ongoing peace process in order to legitimise the illegal Israeli state. In 1979, the Egyptian regime signed a peace treaty with Israel. In 1993, the Palestine Liberation Organization signed an interim peace treaty with Israel. A year later following these pacts, Jordan’s monarch signed a peace treaty with Israel. A peace treaty between the Syrian, Lebanese, and Israeli regimes is imminent and will be signed some time this year. These are events that carry deep ramifications for the Muslim Ummah. The Muslims need to take a stand against the regimes forging these treaties. This stand must be based on a comprehension of the Hukm Shar’ii (Islamic verdict) regarding peace treaties, especially those signed with Israel. Similarly, our feelings towards these treaties (whether to like or dislike, disapprove or approve) should be established upon this verdict. Rasoolillah (saaw) sa...

New Urdu Usul al-Fiqh book

Excellent Urdu book (PDF file) on the subject of Usul al-Fiqh (Principles of Jurisprudence) by Muhammad Ali. Much of it is extracted from Sheikh Taqi ud-deen an-Nabhani's Shaksiyah Islamiyyah (Islamic Personality) Volume 3 which is about Usul al-Fiqh and Sheikh Ata Abu Rishtah's book 'Teyseer al Wusool min al-Usool' (To make understanding Usul easy). Download the file in PDF format from:

No Palestinian Prison state until 2009

" will be 2009 before the US is able to mount enough pressure to coerce Israel to make necessary compromises with the Palestinians, and bring an end to the protracted dispute." The present US effort undertaken by US Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice to kick start the peace process between the Palestinians and the Israelis--as envisioned by the Baker-Hamilton Report--is for now, a mere symbolic gesture. There are three major obstacles that must be overcome, if the Bush administration wants to realize its endorsement of a two-state solution. First, Olmert’s government is deeply unpopular and is engulfed in numerous scandals. It is unlikely that Olmert will survive. Fresh elections will have to be scheduled to form a new Israeli government--likely to be a coalition government--this will delay the implementation of the road map. Despite Olmert’s obvious weakness, his government like its predecessor has sanctioned the construction of fresh settlements in West Bank-- a move i...

Western values break British Society

"A close look at the West’s value system points to the pursuit of pleasure (goal in life) ahead of freedom, individualism, and utilitarianism as the main cause behind crime. Factors like poor education, social deprivation, unemployment are merely a by-product of these values and should never be addressed in isolation." Over the past few days, the British public has witnessed the killing of three teenage boys and the maiming of a number of people in a spate of shootings that has shook the country. Tony Blair has been quick to dismiss the notion that Britain is a broken society, and continues to blame a few individuals or groups for carrying out such crimes. He has been joined by ministers, politicians, social-workers, and police officers to examine gun control laws or introduce new programs to minimize social deprivation as a means of reducing violent crime. But rarely, does anyone have the courage or the foresight to ask the basic question: Are western values to blame for the...

The prohibition of Insurance in Islam

The following is a translation of a section from the excellent book 'The Economic System of Islam' by Sheikh Taqi ud-deen an-Nabhani. Insurance (Ta’meen) Insurance whether on life, goods, property or any of its numerous types is a contract. It is a contract between the insurance company and the insuring person in which the latter asks the insurance company to give him a promise that it will compensate him for that (‘Ayn) which is spoilt or destroyed or for its price with regard to goods or property, or a certain sum of money with regard to life and the like. This takes place if the accident occurs within a defined period, in exchange for a certain amount of money (premium); and the (Insurance) company accepts this. Based upon this offer and acceptance, the insurance company undertakes to compensate the insuring person, within certain conditions approved by the two sides, either for the thing which he loses or its price when an accident occurs, or a sum of money which they have ...