Hundreds of precious lives could have been saved had the government not insisted on implementing Kufr and razing Mosques Lal masjid (Red Mosque) administrator’s demands were implementation of Islam and rebuilding of the razed mosques. Though Hizb ut-Tahrir disagrees with the militant methodology they employed but not with their demands. Had the government been sincere in resolving Jamia Hafsa issue they would have easily done so by implementing Islam and rebuilding the razed mosques. Therefore, the sole responsibility for this massacre lies with the government. Moreover, the suborned manner in which the Presidency sabotaged the negotiation process is a clear proof that, through this crisis, America and her agent Musharraf wished to push Pakistan towards a civil war. Furthermore, they want to divide Muslims of Pakistan on the western paradigm of fundamentalists and moderates and incite them against each other. Everyone, including the government, was fully aware that a military operation...
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