Alhamdulilah the month of Ramadhan has completed for another year, and we move on to the month of Shawaal. The previous month saw the Mosques full of people worshipping Allah (SWT) in the day and night, millions of Muslims the world over sacrificed their time and energy to seek the pleasure of Allah (SWT), praying the Taraweeh Salaat, doing Itikaaf, making Umrah whilst fasting all the while. Ramadhan is a month of great blessing, and a time when all Muslims openly enjoin in the good deeds, however, the good deeds need not stop at the end of Ramadhan. Islam is a Universal religion and ideology, with all rules for all people. Its absence in implementation in society though has led to the prevalence of non- Islamic pproaches to deal with the Muslims conduct. Consequently the Muslim community and countries are affected by various concepts that dilute Islam. One of these is the compartmentalisation of Islam to certain time periods. Hence in Ramadhan many people openly practice the rules of ...
"Thoughts are the greatest wealth of any nation."