Working within the system, simply does not work. As a matter of fact, it took a revolution to reform the system from within. However, the double-discourse employed by the Muslim Brotherhood seemingly misses this point. From within, the reformist methods adopted by the Brotherhood through Parliamentary participation are justified through a strategy of incrementalism (tadaddaruj) [1] . Meaning that steps are taken incrementally within the system, to reform it – with the intention of eventually taking power and transforming those elements of the establishment incommensurable with Islam. To the Islamophobic West, the Brotherhood reassures policy makers in Washington D.C, Paris, and in London that they do not, and will not pursue an Islamic State. Not even a majority in Parliament. But only a sizable bloc in parliament as to maintain the ‘democratic nature’ of the government and to embrace values such as ‘plurality’. Recent talks between the U.S and the ...
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