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Video: The Plight of Muslims (Rohingya) in Burma: History & Geopolitics

Talk 1 from an event held in Sydney, Australia on 4 August 2012 entitled "The plight of Muslims in Burma" Speaker: Br Uthman Badar As the world's attention is focused on the Arab spring sweeping across the Islamic World, toppling dictator after dictator, liberating the Muslims from decades of tyranny and oppression, in the far east, savagery against our Muslim brothers and sisters knows no bounds. Where once the Buddhist majority protested against their suppression by the military junta of Burma, they are now the tyrant oppressors burning Muslims alive in their homes and buses just because they are Muslims. How are they to fast, pray and complete their entire Islamic obligations under such circumstances? In this blessed month of sacrifice, endurance, patience and perseverance we need to bring focus that it is also a month of liberation, conquests and victories. As important as it is for our Ibadah to be complete and wholesome, so it is the right of every Muslim. ...

A sincere call from Hizb ut-Tahrir for the sake of Allah (swt) Alone, on the way of the Messenger of Allah (saw)

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم A sincere call from Hizb ut-Tahrir for the sake of Allah (swt) Alone, on the way of the Messenger of Allah (saw) (Translated) The vital issue for Muslims across the whole world is bringing them back to the Islamic way of life, and the application of Islam in all aspects of their life. This is an Islamic duty that cannot be fulfilled except by returning back the rule of Allah through the establishment of Dar al Islam by the establishment of the Islamic Khilafah, and the appointment of a Khaleefah to the Muslims, who is given the pledge of allegiance to listen to him and obey him on condition of ruling with the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Messenger, and carrying the call for Islam to the world by Da'wa and Jihad. The duty to establish the Islamic Khilafah can be only accomplished through a group or an Islamic party, which has to be an ideological party, based on the Islamic 'aqeedah, committed to its work according to the ...

The major powers encourage open hostilities against Muslims

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم It is absolutely shocking to observe major powers struck by apparent bout of paralysis in their approach to prevent the massacre of Muslims in Syria and Burma. What makes their stance even more abhorrent is that some of them passionately covet human rights and have made it the epicenter of their civilization, but have conveniently overlooked such lofty ideals where Muslims are the victims.  The outgoing international war envoy Kofi Annan epitomizes the collective inaction at the UN when he said, "Syria can still be saved from a worse calamity." Is not the massacre of 20,000 Syrians enough to mobilize the collective global consciousness to prevent the tyrant Bashar Al Assad from mercilessly slaughtering his people on a daily basis? Equally hard to fathom for any sane person is the indifference displayed by major powers to stop the callous killing and the whole-sale slaughter of Muslims in Burma.  This apathy has allowed the so called peaceful Budd...

Fiqh of Zakat - Part 2: The Zakat of Silver and Gold by Sheikh Abdul Qadeem Zalloom

As many Muslims pay their Zakat during the blessed month of Ramadhan due to the increased rewards in doing so, we are serialising the chapters on Zakat that detail its rules from the book  'Funds in the Khilafah State'  by  Sheikh Abdul Qadeem Zalloom  (rh).  The Zakat of Silver and Gold The Zakat of silver and gold, whether in currency or not, is obliged by the Sunnah and Ijma’a as-Sahabah. As for the Sunnah, this is due to what Abu Hurayra narrated: The Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “No owner of gold or silver who fails to give their due right except that he will have sheets of fire made for him on the Day of Judgement. They will be heated in the Hellfire then used to burn his sides, forehead and back. Whenever they cool they are reheated to him in a Day whose length is 50,000 years long until it is judged between the people and he is shown his path, either to Paradise or to the Fire” (narrated by the five except At-Tirmizi). Also he ( saw) ...

India’s Electricity Blackout & the Curse of Capitalism

680 million people in India were without electricity for two days, the power grid outages in northern and eastern India crippled cities, caused chaos to public transport, hospitals, schools and industry causing the biggest blackout in world history. Whilst many have analysed the concept of a ‘Shining India’ - the idea that a well-educated, English speaking, cheap and large labour pool could allow India to emerge as a major player on the global stage, this disaster of epic proportions clearly is more than a mere blip in India’s path to progress. Like China, India has been analysed by economists, geopolitical experts, intelligence agencies and futurologists. India today is recognised as a  BRIC  nation, a nation rapidly developing due to embracing global Capitalism. This latest episode is just one in the long list of problems that India is suffering common to all nations that embrace Capitalism. India: Past and Present It was the fall of the Soviet Union that forced In...

A Tafsir of Surat al-Qadr: “Unveiling the Night of al-Qadr”

“ Tafsir  of  Surat  al-Qadr: Unveiling the Night of al-Qadr” [1a] Snapshot : Chapter 97 of the Qur’an. Number of verses = 5. Number of words = 30. Number of letters = 115. Meccan  sura . From the  Mufassal  part of the Qur’an. [1] Assonance/end-rhyme ( saj `): — r , — r  — r , — r , — r . [1b] Context and Consonance: The previous  sura  ( al-`alaq ) mentioned how the Qur’an came (v.1). Here in this  sura  the matter is the location of the revelation (v.1). The previous  sura  ( al-`alaq ) mentioned to prostrate and draw closer to Allah (v.19). Here the Night of Qadr is the means through which to gain Allah’s mercy and closeness. [2] Occasion   of the Revelation  ( sabab al-nuzul ): According to Imam al-Wahidi, the occasion of this revelation is: { Lo! We revealed it on the Night of Predestination. Ah, what will convey unto thee what the Night of Power is! The Night of Power is bette...