The following is the translation of an Arabic article. The idea of establishing an Islamic Emirate poses a challenge to the Islamic project or movement and the establishment of the Khilafah Some may find this statement strange despite it being the true reality and that is that the idea of an Islamic Emirate as understood by the Jihaadi Salafi movement poses a danger within the Islamic project. The Islamic Emirate does not have a Shar'i basis and it is a counter-productive idea politically and this has been confirmed in the examples in which this idea has been represented. No shape of ruling or form of authority has been reported from the Nabi (saw) except for the Khilafah. The idea of an Emirate does not mean anything according to the Islamic concept outside of the framework of the Khilafah. We are discussing here the issue of the rule and not Islamic groups which are present here and there. The Shar'a has affirmed that the Muslims are one Ummah and that it is not...
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