The Eastern and Western Ghouta Chemical Massacre is a Horrific Massacre. The Insolvent International Community Must be Held Accountable for Butcher Bashar is But One of its Death Tools On the dawn of Wednesday, 21/8/2013, Bashar the butcher ordered the bombing of neighborhoods in Eastern and Western Ghouta of rural Damascus using chemical weapons, leaving about 1300 killed and thousands of cases pathological symptoms as a result of this weapon that had struck children, women and men, in a scene that leaves no mercy what so ever in anyone's heart for the perpetrators of this act, which was denied by the criminal regime, and was described by the crow of the Syrian media Imran Al-Zobi as a ridiculous claim. America, the master of crime and global terrorism, with its habit of covering up the crimes of its agent, White House spokesman Josh Earnest said, "We are formally requesting that the United Nations urgently investigate this new allegation". He did not say to ...
"Thoughts are the greatest wealth of any nation."