Question: Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmat Allahu wa Barakatu my Sheikh, It is known that the evidence in the Aqeedah is either rational or through transmitted proofs. However the belief in Jinn is present only for their existence of transmitted evidence, for the lack of any significant physical evidence of their presence leads to belief in their presence rationally. So the question: How does it agree with the afore-mentioned, that scholars say that the presence of touch and possession and such of physical interactions between Jinn and humans? And also how can it be said that Jinn have a connection to Hasad and what a person can be also afflicted by of illness or crisis (losing a job, an accident...)? And finally, how can the Ayahs and Hadiths dealing with articulations of touch and the like be interpreted, if you do not understand what those scholars understood from them? From Salem Jaradat Answer: Wa Alaikum Assalam wa Rahmat Allahu wa Barakatu 1. The Jinn are ...
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