Sharh At-Takattul Al-Hizbi (Explanation of Party Structuring ). This is a translation from the explanation of the unique book by Sheikh Taqiuddin an-Nabhani. TO ACCESS PART 19 CLICK HERE (The development of the Kutlah). This is from the intellectual angle as laid out on paper i.e. upon the basis that it is meant to be upon. As for the existence of the first cell then this is only represented in a man who is from the same kind and type as this thought in respect to his purity. This means that he believes in it alone and that his thought has not blended with a collection of thoughts that have been mixed with impurities. Therefore, just as this Aqeedah has a single source alone which is the Wahy (divinely inspired revelation) then similarly this person must also have a single basis for his thought. This basis is the Aqeedah and what it came with in terms of texts and nothing other than this. His mind is there only to comprehend th...
"Thoughts are the greatest wealth of any nation."