The following is a Q&A from the archives, during the time of Sheikh Abdul Qadeem Zalloom: Question: Is it allowed for Muslims in the West to form lobby groups that lobby the government? Is it allowed to ask them to adhere to their own laws and to use the style of lobbying to do this? Can Muslims in the West participate in marches which call for the lobbying of Western governments or institutions? What if these marches call for the Western governments to implement a right that Islam also recognises, such as preventing the war? Answer: It is not allowed for Muslims to form pressure groups (lobbies) to put pressure on western governments or parliaments or to enter the political action by influencing the policy of the government and parliament by resorting to the western laws and values reliance on them to apply the pressure. a) I t is not allowed to form Muslim lobbies with the aim of putting pressure on western governments via the western law...
"Thoughts are the greatest wealth of any nation."