The following is the translation of an Arabic article. An-Nasr (victory) in its literal linguistic meaning is the assistance or help provided against another and according to the Shar’a meaning it means the assistance or help of Allah ‘Azza Wa Jalla provided to his believing slaves against other than them from the disbelievers or against those who aggress against them or oppress them from amongst the Muslims. It is from the concepts of the Islamic Aqeedah. Indeed, it is from the most important of these concepts because of the great impact it has upon the one who believes in it. That is because the one who believes in the Nasr (victory) of Allah ‘Azza Wa Jalla, makes him undertake acts which are difficult for him to surmount had it not been for his Imaan (belief) in the concept of victory. At the same time the concept of Nasr is considered to disclose or reveal the condition of the Ummah, the army and the group, because these three are not met by defeat at all if they fulfill th...
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