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How to establish the Islamic State - Part 8

The following is an extract from the draft translation of the arabic book entitled 'Dawa ilal Islam' (Dawa to Islam) by Sheikh Ahmad Mahmoud, published by Al-Waie Publications in Lebanon. I will be posting the sections of the book related to this subject. Should the movement be regional or global? There are some Muslims who suggest that the Islamic movement should be universal, because Islam is a universal deen, and Muhammad (saw) was sent to the whole of mankind. Besides that, in reality the Islamic movement faces universal movements. Moreover the enormity of the tasks required by the Islamic change imposes the need for universality. People who hold this view cite the following Qur’anic proofs; “Thus We have made you a just nation, that you be witnesses over mankind and the Messenger (saw) be a witness over you.”[TMQ 2:143]. And “Say:(O Muhammad [saw]): ‘O mankind! Verily, I am sent to you all as the Messenger of Allah.’” [TMQ 7:158]. And also “And We have not sent you (O Muha

It is obligatory to obey the Amir and it is haram to betray him or break the oath given to him

The following is a translation of an Arabic article. It is obligatory to obey the Amir, and it is haram to betray him or break the oath given to him Obedience (taa’ah) means compliance and submission; whilst Amir is the one who takes charge of a matter, whether this matter was general like that related to an ummah or a people. Or it might be specific like that related to a group that gathered over a common issue. Thus, the one who looks after the general affairs of Muslims is considered an Amir. Likewise, the one who looks after the affairs of a group structured over a common issue is considered an Amir as well; and the one who looks after the affairs of a group in travel is an Amir also. Amir, chairman and leader hold the same meaning. Likewise, imarah, chairmanship and leadership have the same meaning as well. Amir can be a ruler such as amir ul-mu’mineen (leader of the believers), and amir of wilaya (governor). He might be other than a ruler, such as amir of an army, an expedition,

Q&A: Muslim woman marrying a Kafir?

Question: Is the prohibition of Muslim women marrying Kuffar qat'i (definitive) or open to difference of opinion? According to Qardawi Umar b. Khattab gave the option to a woman whose husband had become murtadd to either stay with him or to separate. He reference he gives is the ahkaam ahl zimmah by Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah. What would you say about this? Answer: The marriage of a Muslim woman to a Kafir is definitely baatil (void). Allah (swt) says: فإن علمتموهن مؤمنات فلا ترجعوهن إلى الكفار لا هن حل لهم ولا هم يحلون لهن “Then if you ascertain that they are true believers, send them not back to the disbelievers, they are not lawful (wives) for the disbelievers nor are the disbelievers lawful (husbands) for them.” [al-Mumtahinah:10] T This is a definite text in terms of its authenticity and meaning. Its not open except to one meaning which is that a Muslim woman is not allowed for a Kafir and Kuffar are not allowed for Muslim women. The husband’s disbelief does not allow the nikaa