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Christmas – A Celebration of Capitalism

This is a transcript of a circle given in the past. “The Jews & Christians will not be pleased with you until you follow their way” [TMQ 2: 120] • Christmas – atmosphere everywhere, decorations, christmas trees, xmas gifts, parties, Santa claus even in non-Christian society as it is a celebration of Capitalism, not just a celebration of Christianity On the eve of the mid-winter Christian festival of Christmas in 2002, the leader of the Anglican Church, Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams in UK, bemoaned the decline of religion in Britain and urged that ‘morality’ guide life in Britain: “We are still, in this country, at sea over what concrete moral content we want to see in our children’s education . . . Family continuity is rare, conventional religious practice is minimal, shared public activity unusual.” Christian clergymen regularly vent their frustration at the decay of the family unit and the decline in religious practice in Western Capitalist societies. The frustration is

Eid or Christmas?

The following is the transcript of a circle I have in the past on this subject. • Since the abolishment of Islam, from life, as a ruling system, the state of the Ummah has been declining from one bad stage to a worse one. The Ummah is being ruled by Kufr laws, dominated by Kufr concepts, invaded by the West with its corrupt culture and repugnant promiscuity, and as a result, it has corrupted the Ummah’s Deen, ethics and future generations. The Western beacons, symbols, concepts, and occasions have become those of the Ummah. The West has been aided by the rulers of the Muslims who have devoted themselves to keeping Islam away from life and fighting off its thoughts and concepts, thus moulding the Ummah to the West’s desire. • Celebrating the Christian holidays, such as Christmas and the Christian New Year is part of the Western culture that is imposed on the Muslims. In imposing such culture, the West intended for the Muslims to accept and recognise the Christian rituals, and believe in

Is the Caliphate a dream?

Muslims worldwide aspire for unity and the return of the Islamic Caliphate. As recent surveys show the majority of Muslims in some of the major Muslim countries want a Caliphate. But does a 21st century Caliphate have any chance of being established or are Muslims just dreaming? You can read what the ‘experts’ say here and what a ‘leading journalist’ says here. I have summarised the main points below. The Muslim world is too diverse. Different languages, customs and traditions Nationalism and is too deeply rooted Sunni / Shia differences Muslim rulers prefer to live separately in nation states The Muslim world is too diverse with different languages, customs and traditions It’s true there are multitudes of languages, foods, clothing and other customs prevalent in the Muslim world. But this diversity is meaningless when it comes to the political system ruling the country. Political systems do not develop from people eating the same food or being the same colour skin. They develop from a