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America holds the Arab Summit in Riyadh!

The following is a translation from Arabic of a leaflet issues by the da'wah carriers. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم America holds the Arab Summit in Riyadh! It aims to deal a fatal blow to the issues of the Muslims especially the Palestinian issue. The Arab rulers have called for their 19th Summit meeting in Riyadh on the 28th & 29th of March 2007 C.E. The United States though not present in the meeting directly, the imprint of its Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was most conspicuous throughout the proceeding. While she herself remained in Aswan (Egypt), but called a meeting of a committee of these rulers and their political and intelligence officials and met with them just before the Arab summit on 24th March in order to brief them on the agenda and proceeding of the summit as well as remind them of George Bush’s desire that the Arab rulers warm up to the Jews’ state as a conciliatory gesture to placate it in the aftermath of its defeat in the previous July defeat! Rice did not

How to establish public opinion?

The following is a translation of an old but very useful Arabic leaflet. It is noted that governments in general fear public opinion and give it a great deal of attention; they value public opinion highly and realise its effect, this is why they tend to monitor it closely. In times of war and disturbances, the control of public opinion becomes all the more significant, and governments move swiftly to quell any public opinion against them. In times of peace their control of public opinion becomes more relaxed; however if they felt that some concepts which may damage their credibility were being spread they at once move to quell them and prevent them from provoking a public opinion against them, also if they sensed that some concepts or news items may trigger a public opinion against them, they would soon take the initiative to combat such items and prevent it. In the Second World War, we witnessed the warring governments controlling public opinions closely, preventing the spread of opin

New Urdu leaflets

I have uploaded the Urdu translations from Arabic of some new leaflets, below are their titles and the link to the inpage files: The Baghdad Conference is intended to save the US and not meant to salvage Iraq! Participation of the neighbouring countries, especially Syria and Iran infuriates the Muslim sentiments ! The Accord… it’s a disaster, Declaration of Hamas and Fatah to abide by the decisions of the Arab summits, to honour the international resolutions and regional pacts amounts to recognising the Jewish State!…it’s-a-disaster---Declaration-of-Hamas--Fatah