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The twisting of ahadith to justify the abandonment of the Shariah

Some from amongst the self proclaimed secularists attempt to justify the abandonment of the Shariah by misquoting certain ahadith of the Prophet (saw). They attempt to derive a meaning from them that contradicts definitive matters in Islam, they claim that they allow the ruler of the Muslims to abandon the implementation of the Shariah. The following Q&A has explained these ahadith and how they should be understood: Q&A about gradual implementation of Islam

Adopting Secularism in Government is Apostasy from Islam

The following is a translation of an old leaflet but is still useful and applicable today. Najmuddine Arbakan, president of the so called Islamic Welfare (Rafah) party, was appointed on Friday 12th Safar 1417 A.H./ 28th June 1996 to the office of Prime Minister of Turkey, in a coalition with the woman Tansu Chiller, president of the "True Path" party, which is a secular, non religious party. This occurred in the wake of a deal which had been concluded between them in the following manner: 1- The Prime Ministerial post will be held alternately between them, on condition that Arbakan resumes the post for the first two years, to be succeeded by Chiller for the last two years of the four-year term. 2- Chiller will be the Deputy Prime Minister and the Foreign Minister during the period of Arbakan's term in office. 3- Chiller's party will hold the most important ministerial portfolios in the Turkish state, these are: Foreign affairs, defence, home affairs, finance, econ

Is Saudi Arabia a State of Islam or Kufr ?

The following article was written some years ago but is still useful. Every Muslim must know whether his/her Deen is implemented in any country. This is due to the fact that Muslims must pledge allegiance to the country that rules by the Deen of Allah (swt). In other words, that state would be the Khilafah State that is headed by the Khaleefah whom Islam obligated us to obey. Therefore, this presentation is not hypothetical, nor for pure academic reasons. In other words, the Muslims must know if king Fahd is the Khaleefah of the Muslims, and whether Saudi is the Islamic State. If we conclude that Saudi is the Islamic State, then the obligation of re-establishing the Islamic state is removed (and the Islamic movements are actually wasting their time working for a goal that is already achieve). Muslims perception Many Muslims view Saudi Arabia to be an Islamic state. This is due to the lack of criterion to determine whether a state is Islamic or not. It is also due to the lack of knowled