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Ramadhan Articles

As Ramadhan approaches the following articles related to Ramadhan may be useful: The obligation of beginning of Ramadhan when the moon is sighted in any country Deobandi & Barelvi original Fatawa - obligatory to follow sighting of Muslim from any land for Ramadhan & Eid Should we be 'Ramadhan Muslims'? Ramadhan - Month of the Quran & its affect upon us Ramadhan Timeline Urdu PDF articles ) )

The Evil Scholar

Know that craving after status and position inevitably causes great harm before its attainment due to the striving necessary to attain it, and also afterwards due to the person's strong desire to hold onto it which produces injustice, haughtiness and other evils. Aboo Bakr al-Aajurree, who was one of the wise scholars and teachers at the start of the fourth century, wrote a treatise about the manners and the sentiments of the scholars and it is one of the best works on this topic. One who studies it will know from it the way of the scholars of the Salaf, and will know the innovated ways contrary to their way. So he describes the evil scholar at length, from this description is that: "He has become infatuated with love of this world, and with praise, honour and position with the people of this world. He uses knowledge as an adornment just as a beautiful woman adorns herself with jewelry for this world, but he does not adorn his knowledge with action upon it." He then menti

Fighting corruption

The following is from The Daily Star, Bangladesh: Corruption is an age-old phenomenon which needs to be addressed in a practical way. During the Caliphate of Hazrat Umar (R) one tax collector brought two bags and placed them in front of him saying one is for the Baitul Mal (govt. treasury) and the other for him. When asked how he obtained the bags for himself, the tax collector replied that the people donated the money willingly. The Caliph dismissed the man and asked him to go to the people now for donation (after losing the job) and deposited both the bags to the treasury. So corruption was there in every age in different forms and shape but it is the duty of the head of the govt. to see that his administration remains free of corrupt people. It is sad that people who are placed very high in our government and in society are corrupt tax evaders. These people are also coming in front of camera, talking about the country, shedding tears for the welfare of the people and what not! They