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Views on the news 20/08/08

UN warns UK about its treatment of Muslims Recently, the UN told Britain to treat its Muslim population better. UN’s nine-member human rights committee, composed of legal experts, said it was concerned "negative public attitudes towards Muslim members of society" continued to be allowed in Britain. It recommended the Government "should take energetic measures to eliminated this phenomenon and ensure that authors of such acts of discrimination on the basis of religion are adequately deterred and sanctioned." For so long, the West has proudly proclaimed the mantle of ‘justice’, but the course it has adopted after September 11 has rapidly diminished this claim. So much so, that its imperialist tool the UN is telling Britain —one of its founding members— to change its behaviour. This is another evidence that Western governments and not Muslims that are responsible for the destruction of western civilization. Musharraf’s resignation: Good riddance but what’s next for Pa

Ramadhan Articles

As the blessed month of Ramadhan approaches it is time again for us to refresh our understanding of the various ahkam (rules), concepts and history related to this month. The following are links to articles related to the various aspects of Ramadhan and Eid: The obligation of beginning of Ramadhan when the moon is sighted in any country Ramadhan & moon sighting according to Classical scholars Deobandi & Barelvi original Fatawa - obligatory to follow sighting of Muslim from any land for Ramadhan & Eid Audio: The Fiqh of Determining Ramadhan & Eid Should we be 'Ramadhan Muslims'? Ramadhan - Month of the Quran & its affect upon us Ramadhan Timeline Comparisons from the Battle of Ain Jaloot A to Z of Ramadhan Ramadhan: Past & present Tafsir of verses on Ramadhan & Fasting - Part 1 Tafsir of verses on Ramadhan & Fasting - Part 2 Make Ramadhan the month of victory again Eid: Time to Reflect What did you do on Eid? Post Ramadhan worship

Views on the news - 14/08/08

West continues to insult Muslims On 9/8/2008 the BBC reported that plans to release a novel entitled ‘The Jewel of Medina’ about the messenger (saw) of Allah and his wife A'isha were scrapped by US publishers Random House. The publication was not halted because of some deep regret that the material is offensive to Muslims; rather the safety of the author Sherry Jones was the primary concern for the publisher Random House to stop the publication. The West habitually produces offensive materials aimed at insulting Muslims and attacking Islam. These assaults are then justified under the banners of ‘freedom’,’ liberty’, ‘tolerance’ and other pathetic values or excuses. Allah Says: ‘Hatred has already appeared from their mouths, but what their breasts conceal is far worse’. Nevertheless, what has really contributed to the venom spewed by the West against Islam are the spineless rulers of the Muslim world. Rather than removing money from Western banks or cutting off the oil supplies—whic