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How would a Khilafah in Pakistan deal with the floods?

This article is written by Brother Adnan Khan The 2010 monsoon rains have left death and destruction across Pakistan. The monsoon season due every year near the end of July has in 2010 produced a year's rain in 36 hours. The Indus River which flows through Pakistan was overwhelmed leading to the flooding of many villages. Images of the president of Pakistan shuttling European cities as his own citizens pulled dead bodies from the floods beamed around the world as Zardari confirmed once and for all his complete disregard for his own people in the face of this unprecedented disaster. Whilst it has become common practice to throw a number of emotional rants in times of government incompetence, successive governments in Pakistan have failed the nation one after the other and one disaster after the other. On this occasion we should go beyond this. Historically national disasters, war and travesties are occasions to review national purpose and a nation's identity. The Pearl harb

From the Slavery of our Desires to the Slavery of Allah

يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا كُتِبَ عَلَيْكُمُ الصِّيَامُ كَمَا كُتِبَ عَلَى الَّذِينَ مِنْ قَبْلِكُمْ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَتَّقُونَ "O ye who believe! fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you so that you may attain taqwa." (Al Baqarah: 183) Ramadhan is the month where the believer is reminded of why he was created. It is the time when the bond between the Creator and created is at its strongest, where we are reminded of the power, knowledge and love Allah سبحانه وتعالى has for us. Through our hunger in this life we are reminded of our need for Allah سبحانه وتعالى and we are reminded of the hunger and thirst on the Day of Judgment. Our needs stretch even further to all worries and problems in this life and by Allah's سبحانه وتعالى mercy we have been given guidance so we do not wander the earth in conflict and confusion. Today the western societies have no such guidance and instead we see their societies declining, where their moral compass is

A Radical Approach to Pakistan's Economic Crisis

This article is written by Brother A.Salahuddin ‘Roti, Kapra aur Mukan' (food, clothing and shelter)! This has been the selfless slogan of the PPP rulers since the party was founded in the 1970s. Yet with the delivery of the new budget Pakistan's rulers have come bearing gifts of a totally different but not of an unexpected kind; new tax rises, public spending cuts and electricity price increases to name but a few. The consumption based VAT tax has been shelved but only until October 2010. The poor like the rest of many Pakistanis will now actually have to make do with less just as they always have done with every new budget. Ordinary Pakistanis have always struggled to make ends meet but now increasing numbers find themselves challenged to procure even basic staples such as daal and flour. The recent suicide by a poor rickshaw driver's family in Lahore illustrates the increasing poverty being faced by many Pakistanis. A new report by the World Food Programme published

Bangladesh bans part of the Qur'an

This article is written by Brother Abu Abdallah On 27th July the appellate division of the Supreme Court in Bangladesh has given a verdict to change the constitution of Bangladesh with some observations. This verdict is seen as a triumph for those who call for restoration of the 1972 constitution laid down by the late President Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, father of current Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. The Supreme Court appellate division has made a number of observations regarding the 5th amendment of the constitution of Bangladesh regarding which the high court previously gave a verdict abolishing the amendment and directing restoration of the 1972 constitution. In fact the constitution of Bangladesh has been amended 13 times. The first four amendments took place during the time of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman which upheld the principles of "Bengali nationalism, secularism, democracy and socialism" as the fundamental principles of the Constitution. During this time politics based

Africa under Islam

This article is written by Adnan Khan Any discussion about Africa conjures up images of poverty, starvation, famine and civil war. Since the scramble for Africa in the 20th century for the continent's coveted minerals and resources by the European colonialists, Africa was carved up to act as mere supply lines for their attempts at Empire. For the Western colonialists African crown jewels were too good an opportunity to give up. The Muslims on the other hand have an illustrious history in Africa, this is why 52% of Africa's population today is comprised of Muslims. Islam came to North Africa after Al Sham came under Islam. Islam's initial launch pad into the continent was through the conquest of Egypt. Egypt was inhabited by a mixture of people, such as Copts, Jews and Romans. Similarly North Africa was where the Berbers lived under Roman dominance. The Romans viewed Africa as their colony and through patron rulers it maintained its grip on the continent. An official

Zardari's Betrayal of the Flood victims

This article is written by Zaynab Ismail Pakistan has seen its biggest natural disaster since 1929. As the crisis ravages through its territory, 1,500 people have been killed, and another 3 million displaced according to the UN. Images show heart wrenching pictures of people struggling to stay alive such as an uncle holding on to a wire fence whilst fierce currents repeatedly bash against him, almost certainly killing him if his hand slips. Other images show the elderly and children with fear and worry written across their faces as they are led to temporary safety, whilst facing the shock of having everything they've ever owned or known destroyed in a matter of hours. The nightmare does not end here as the disaster could continue to expand if food, sanitation and shelter are not supplied quickly. The World Food Programme estimated a staggering 1.8 million people to be in urgent need of water, food and shelter. An outbreak of water-borne diseases such as cholera is now feared,

Ramadhan Articles

As the blessed month of Ramadhan approaches it is time again for us to refresh our understanding of the various ahkam (rules), concepts and history related to this month. The following are links to articles related to the various aspects of Ramadhan and Eid: The obligation of beginning of Ramadhan when the moon is sighted in any country Ramadhan & moon sighting according to Classical scholars Deobandi & Barelvi original Fatawa - obligatory to follow sighting of Muslim from any land for Ramadhan & Eid Audio: The Fiqh of Determining Ramadhan & Eid Should we be 'Ramadhan Muslims'? Ramadhan - Month of the Quran & its affect upon us Ramadhan Timeline Comparisons from the Battle of Ain Jaloot A to Z of Ramadhan Ramadhan: Past & present Tafsir of verses on Ramadhan & Fasting - Part 1 Tafsir of verses on Ramadhan & Fasting - Part 2 Make Ramadhan the month of victory again Eid: Time to Reflect What did you do on Eid? Post Ra