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The Fiqh of Minorities: Muslims living in the west. Identity | Tradition | Rules and exceptions

* Does our situation require NEW RULES specifically for our situation? * Does our situation require a NEW INTERPRETATION of Islam? * Does it mean we can mould a NEW IDENTITY based on these changed rules and situations? * Or should we stick to past norms and traditions established centuries ago? * What happens when our Islamic tradition and practice CONFLICT with modern western identity, its economy and legal systems? Muslims living in the west today often find themselves in a difficult position. As an ummah, we have never before experienced the existence we find ourselves in today. It is a situation which * SPEAKER: Ustadh Rian Wiramihardja. Organised by: Hizb ut Tahrir Australia.

Tafsir of Surat al-Nisa’ Verse 141 “Allah will never allow the disbelivers…”

TAFSIR  OF  SURAT  AL-NISA’:141 { Allah will never allow the non-believers to have a way (sabil) over the believers } *** { Allah will never allow the non-believers to have a way (sabilan) over the believers  [Surat al-Nisa’:141]}…“and refers to the Day of Judgment if by “ sabil ” is meant ‘victory’ and ‘triumph’ or the present world if by “ sabil ” is meant ‘evidence’ and ‘proof’. Ibn `Atiyya said: the majority of the commentators say it refers to the Day of Judgment. Ibn al-`Arabi however said that this opinion was weak because the report in the verse would be redundant and that such an interpretation was based on thinking that the end part of the sentence refers back to the initial part, i.e. the part that reads { And Allah will judge between them on the Day of Judgment } which would be pointless and non-beneficial because it would just be a repetition of the same point. It is also said that Allah will not allow the non-believers to have a way over the believers to mean to

Tafsir of Surat al-Kafirun

TAFSIR of SURAT AL-KAFIRUN [1] Abbreviations: swt ( سبحانه و تعالى ). saw ( صلى الله عليه وسلم ) as ( عليه السلام ). Context : The Meccan Arabs used to believe in Allah (swt) but had lost the significance of that name (hence making Him a dues otiosus ). [2] The Meccan Arabs knew of and acknowledged Allah (swt) and even claimed to be adhering to the original teaching of Ibrahim (as) but had incorporated Allah into a pantheon of deities (lesser ‘gods’ which were primarily al-Lat [3] , al-`Uzza [4]  and Manat [5] ). They even believed to be better guided than the Christians and Jews inhabiting Mecca and the surrounding localities who preached Jesus was the son of God whereas the Arabs believed that Angels and Jinn were His offspring. This was the paradox of their polytheism. When the Messenger of Allah (saw) presented Islam to them, they quarrelled and disputed with him on the premise that they were on the religious path set down of Ibrahim (as) and hence had no reas