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Syria, the Arab spring and Western Intervention

In what has now become a regular occurrence we may now be in the initial stages of military intervention by the West, again. For Iraq it was its weapons of mass destruction, with Libya it was the possible bloodbath in Benghazi by Colonel Gaddafi’s forces. Now, for Syria, the threat of civil war is being trumpeted as the reasoning from one Western capital to the other. This is a clear development away from the 15 months of constantly rejecting even the notion of military intervention citing the complicated nature of the of any intervention and the potential spread of chaos throughout the region as the reasons why military action was out of the question. Western relations with Syria have always been covered with myths, lies and doublespeak; the last 15 months have merely been the latest episode. As the Syrian crisis escalates it is important that we can decipher between the reality and the many myths the West have constructed to hide their true intensions. Western Surrogate S

Q&A: 'Using Surrogate Women' by Sheikh Ata' Abu Rashta

The following is the translation of an Arabic Q&A from the  website of Sheikh Ata' Abu Rashta . Question : [1] A surrogate woman has accepted to carry the child of a wife who is unable to bear children naturally or through any other means…is that permitted? Please note that the man and woman [s: unable to have the child] are married and it is the woman’s egg. [1] [2] What if the surrogate woman is the second wife of the husband? Are there any means and circumstances that would allow for this [s: treatment]? The reason is that the husband threatens his first wife with divorce if she does not agree to transfer her fertilised egg to his second wife. Answer : It is not permitted to take the sperm of the husband with the egg ( buwayda ) of the wife, fertilise it in a laboratory and then implant the fertilised egg ( buwayda mukhsiba ) into a surrogate woman ( imra’a badila )…this is not allowed and it is  haram . In fact, it would be mandatory to return the fertilised egg

Are the GCC states planning closer ties?

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Over the years much has been said about the merits of closer unity between the countries of the Gulf Corporation Council (GCC)-Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, Saudi Arabia and the UAE that was formed in 1981. However, in recent months the urgency amongst some member states to forge ahead with stronger political and fiscal ties has grown tremendously. In December 2012, Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud at the GCC summit, called upon the member states to move from the phase of cooperation to the phase of ‘union' within a single entity. Saudi Arabia and Bahrain have already taken steps to build strong military and economic relations between them. Yet despite such developments, smaller member states like Oman and the UAE feel overtly threatened by Saudi Arabia and fear relinquishing certain aspects of their sovereignty to Riyadh. Earlier this month, Oman went far as rubbishing the whole idea of the union. Yousuf Bin Alawi Bin Abdullah, the

Audio: Tawheed or Khilafah First? | Bida & Shirk | Ustadh Mohammad Ali

Circle by Ustadh Muhammad Ali.

Without Khilafah the Rohingya Muslims have no state to protect them

Once again one of the World's most persecuted peoples is raising their head again in the face of torture and oppression. The Muslim minority Rohingya's were attacked and killed and their homes were burned by the Buddhist majority of Myanmar after an alleged rape on a Buddhist woman by some Rohingya's. This violence is normal as the Rohingya's in Myanmar face this kind of violence, threat, intimidation, and torture from the Buddhist civilians and the Myanmar army and security services on a daily basis. This violence comes at a time where the Myanmar junta leadership are coming out of the cold after years of international isolation. Sanctions were lifted by the US and the European Union as the country moves towards democratisation. The junta wants to show the World that it is changing and can deal with the issue of the different ethnic groups in Myanmar. The west has been keen to open up Myanmar and investors are already on the ground surveying the potential of th

Audio: The Events of Isra Wal Miraj by Shiekh Abu Talha Malkawi

Audio of Khutba given by Sheikh Abu Talha Malkawi in the past.

Victory from Allah (swt). Its prerequisites and features

After the massacre at Hula most of whom were women and children,  the killing continues. Only last Saturday another 80 have been reported dead, murdered by the barbaric and tyrannical Syrian regime. This has left many Muslims around the world feeling defeated, helpless and despair. However defeated and helpless is far from what our brothers and sisters in Syria feel. This is because they know that it is only the fear, yes fear, that they have struck in the hearts of the tyrants that is making them kill and massacre the way they are doing so at the moment.  Since the time of Bashar’s father Hafez Syria has never seen (post WW1) the type of massacres being witnessed today. This only goes to show how weak and feeble the Syrian regime really feels resorting to such desperate measures to break the resolve of its people. These events may leave some Muslims perplexed as to how can such atrocities be committed in a land that has been guaranteed protection by Allah (swt): زَيْدِ بْنِ ثَ