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The Illusion of Islamic Victory in Egypt’s Presidential Elections

Farah Abdul Khaliq Islamic victory in Egypt, or an appropriate semblance? Egypt and the Muslims at large, at least those with Islamic sentiments are celebrating today; after years of persecution of an Islamic group, it has finally gained Nusra (victory) or has it? Doctor Muhammad Mursi has made headlines by becoming the first President of Egypt from the Muslim brotherhood, a movement which was founded in Egypt around 1928. In this piece we will scrutinise the recent accomplishments (or lack thereof) not through the lenses of a pragmatic Islamist appeasing  rhetoric  but rather through a more strategic and principled lens. To understand the issue at hand without falling into rhetoric about conspiracy and remain rational we must understand these recent gains under the following three premises; Ÿ   This victory, in line with the political atmosphere of Egypt and the wider scaremongering of Islamists and Islamist politics in the West, is  by intention , either a means

Video: The issue of Moonsighting and the start/finish of Ramadhan by Ustadh Abu Anas

Talk by Ustadh Abu Anas. Year in and year out the question of when to start fasting and conclude fasting based on the various opinions within the community is the central discussion.

Part 1: “Fasting breaks the Desires” by Imam al-`Izz Ibn `Abd Al-Salam

Part 1: “Fasting Breaks the Desires” – Imam al-`Izz Ibn `Abd Al-Salam *** “As for breaking the desires, hunger and thirst break the desires of a disobedient person. Regarding this, it has been authentically reported from him [s: the Messenger of Allah] – upon him be peace – that he said:  ‘O youth, whoever amongst you is able to marry should do so because it is effective in lowering the gaze and guarding one’s chastity. Whoever is not able, then fasting will be a restraint for him…’ [1]  The word  ba’ah  ( الباءة ) means ‘marriage’ ( nikah ). The word  wija’  ( الوجاء ) means crushing the thighs [s: literally to crush the testicles of a horse or the veins of the scrotum, i.e. the inner parts] of a horse. He (Allah bless him and grant him peace) made breaking the desires through fasting like destroying and terminating the pillars of desire. It has come in the  hadith  that:  ‘ Shaytan  flows in a person like blood flows [s: through the body] (so constrict his flow through h

Ibn al-Qayyim and Descriptions of Paradise

“Imam Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawziyya: Descriptions of Paradise –  sifat al-janna ” *** Imam al-Hafiz Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawziyya Describes Paradise ( janna ) as in  Hadi al-Arwah follows: فإن سألت عن أرضها  و تربتها فهي المسك و الزعفران و ان سألت عن سقفها  فهو عرش الرحمن و ان سألت عن حصبائها  فهو اللؤلؤ و الجوهر و ان سألت عن بنائها  فلبنة من فضة و لبنة من ذهب و ان سألت عن اشجارها  فما فيها شجرة إلا وساقها من ذهب و فضة لا من الحطب و الخشب و ان سألت عن ثمرها  فأمثال القلال ألين من الزبد واحلى من العسل و ان سألت عن ورقها  فاحسن ما يكون من رقائق الحلل و ان سألت عن انهارها  فانهار من لبن لم يتغير طعمه و انهار من خمر لذة للشاربين و انهار من عسل مصفى و ان سألت عن طعامهم  ففاكهة مما يتخيرون و لحم طير مما يشتهون  […] و ان سألت عن سعتها  فادنى أهلها يسير في ملكه و سرره و قصوره و بساتينه مسيرة الفي عام  […] و ان سألت عن ارتفاعها  فانظر إلى الكوكب الطالع أو الغارب في الأفق الذي لا تكاد تناله الأبصار  […] و ان سألت عن وجوه أهلها  و حسنهم فعلى صورة القمر وان سألت عن اسنا

Hizb ut-Tahrir Turkey's Intensive Activities to Support Syrian Muslims

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 1. On 29 April 2012, KokluDegisim Magazine / Urfa Branch (Hadaarah Publishing House) held a seminar titled "Our Responsibilities towards Our Brothers in Syria" in a mosque. The activity began with reciting Quran, followed by a video titled "Syria Crying Blood!" Afterwards, writer Salih Celik addressed the audience with a speech titled: "Our Responsibilities towards Our Brothers in Syria" In his speech, he insisted on the necessity of Khilafah which will rescue our brothers and solve all of our problems. The activity concluded with a Duaa. 2. On 4 May 2012, KokluDegisim Magazine / Urfa Branch (Hadaarah Publishing House) held a seminar titled "Our Responsibilities towards Our Brothers in Syria" in a mosque. The activity began with reciting Quran, followed by a video titled "Syria Crying Blood!" Afterwards, writer Salih Celik addressed the audience with a speech titled: "Our Responsibilities towards Our

HTI Organizes Conferences of Leading Figures in Several Big Cities in Indonesia

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم To arouse the spirit of Muslims in the struggle for the enforcement of sharia and the Khilafah as well as to seek support from the ummah, especially from the leading figures, Hizb ut-Tahrir Indonesia organizes Conference of Leading Figures of Ummah (KTU) in some major cities throughout Indonesia. The main theme of the conference is: 'Khalifah is The Best Model of the Welfare State'. This conference specifically focuses on economic issues, especially in dealing with how the Indonesian government manages the natural wealth. Through this conference, Hizb ut-Tahrir Indonesia proposes a solution for the management of the natural resources in accordance with Islam in order to bring prosperity and welfare to the people of Indonesia. The solution for the problem is khalifah. "Indonesia is definitely better with khalifah. Indonesia will prosper and well-being, "said the Chairman of the HTI's Central Board, Rokhmat S Labib. Hundreds to thousand

The Mask of Democracy Cannot Conceal the Dire Poverty of Indonesian Women

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Living in a democratic state is truly costly for women, and Indonesia is no exception - a country that has been claimed by various Western politicians as one of the leading models of a Muslim democratic state. The reality shows that Indonesian Women are still shackled by poverty. The Minister for Women and Child Protection in Indonesia, Linda Amalia Sari Gumelar, stated this May that there are currently about 7 million women in Indonesia who have become the breadwinner of their household, and the majority of them live below the poverty line with incomes under U.S. $ 1 dollar a day. This figure represents more than 14% of the total number of households in Indonesia. However, the NGO Empowerment of Women Heads Of Households (PEKKA), estimates the number of female-headed households is much greater than the government's figure, the number being nearer to 10 million Indonesian women. The poverty that shackles Indonesian women is also indicated by the huge numb