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Q&A: What is the current status of the global economic crisis?

Question: Where does the global economic crisis currently stand, which began in the USA and engulfed Europe and then the world? Answer: To shed light on this subject, we will mention the following: 1. The collapse of the real estate market in the US spread across the world resulting in the collapse of many banks, which lead to unprecedented government intervention to halt global economic collapse. The result however, was what is now called the great recession, the worst since the great depression of 1929. The global financial crisis brought to light the fact that the boom of the preceding decade was in reality driven by debt and after five years the world's largest economies continue in their failure to resolve this. 2. United action has been attempted by the world's largest economies in order to coordinate a resolution to the crisis. This was argued on the basis that the global economy is interlinked due to the effects of globalisation and a collective, global approach

Delhi Rape Case & How Islam Dignifies Women

On the 16 th of December 2012, Damini, a 23 year old Indian medical student fell victim to a brutal assault and gang raped by six men on a bus in the Indian capital Delhi. A fortnight after that she died from her injuries. Damini’s case sparked mass protests across India against the Indian police and government’s negligence and laidback attitude towards the protection of women from sexual violence. Rape has taken the shape of almost a cultural ritual, an everyday occurrence and the fastest growing crime in India, the world’s largest democracy. Many sexual assaults go unreported due to large numbers of women having lost faith in the system to protect their dignity as a consequence of the scale of the problem, a culture of impunity afforded to offenders by police, cases that drag on for years through the courts, and abysmal conviction rates. According to statistics, a woman is raped every 20 minutes in India, and 24,000 rape cases were reported last year alone. “Hindustan time

Mali and the Treachery of the Rulers

It is with great anger that the great Ummah of Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم are witnessing another war against Muslims and another military campaign in Muslim lands. From the very start of this new assault reports have been coming in of about the killing of civilians and children by the French war machine which includes air bombardment and ground invasion. The French President Francois Hollande has stated clearly whilst visiting the Gulf States that he will not permit the establishment of an Islamic State in Mali. France's hatred towards Islam is well known and just recently Francois Hollande during his visit to Algeria made it clear that neither he or France would ever apologise for the slaughter of one million Algerians at the hands in the second half of the 20th century in addition to the thousands of rapes and horrendous acts of torture committed in the name of the Republic. Although this hatred is blatant the real reasons for this attack is for France to maintain its inf