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The Inevitability of the Clash of Civilisations by Hizb ut-Tahrir (Part 1)

The following is the translation of an excerpt from the excellent book, The Inevitability of the Clash of Civilisations  issued by global leadership of Hizb ut-Tahrir in Safar 1423 Hijri (May 2002 CE). بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم THE MEANING OF CIVILISATION ( HADHARA ) A civilisation ( hadhara ) is a collection of concepts about life; it can be divine—from god—or it can be from man. The divine civilisation emanates from a doctrine ( 'aqeedah ); for example, the Islamic civilisation emanates from the Islamic aqeedah. The man-made civilisation may emanate from a doctrine or it may not. The western capitalist civilisation is a collection of concepts about life emanating from the doctrine of separating religion from life. Conversely, the Shinto, Greek, Babylonian and Assyrian civilisations do not emanate from a doctrine. This type of civilisation is simply a collection of concepts that a people or a group of peoples have agreed upon, it is called a man-made, or national, civilisa

Talk: Significance of Rajab by Br Soadad Doureihi

Talk 1 titled "The Significance of Rajab: A Journey through History" by Br Soadad Doureihi "from the Public Lecture titled "The Significance of Rajab 2013" held by Hizb ut-Tahrir Australia on the 25/05/2013 in Sydney, Australia.

The month of Rajab and the great Ghazwah of Tabuk | Sheikh Issam Ameirah

The following is a translation from Arabic. Jum'ah Khutbah: Rajab and the Ghazwah of Tabuk: A comparison between the Messenger (saw), the Khulafaa and the rulers of our day. First part: O people: We have now entered the month of Rajab and in this month in the 9th year of Hijrah the Messenger of Allah (saw) went out on the military expedition (Ghazwah) of Tabuk. It was last military expedition that he undertook and it was known as the Ghazwah of Al-'Usrah (Hardship). The reason for the Ghazwah was that a number of traders who had come from Ash-Shaam began to spread that the Romans had gathered a host and wanted launch a major military expedition. Heraclius   had joined his army and he called his main military leaders in the region against the Messenger of Allah (saw) and they gathered in Al-Balqaa' (which lies in South-east Jordan) whilst he (Heraclius) was waiting in Homs. Therefore the Messenger of Allah (saw) sent his companions to Tabuk which was in the lan