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The Islamic Personality - Volume 1, English edition published

The Islamic Personality Vol 1 (Ash-Shakhsiyya Al Islamiya), the first part of the 3 volume masterpiece written by Shaykh Taqiuddin An-Nabhānī has been published in English. It is available to purchase online from Revival Publications The first Volume puts down firm foundations for belief and the fundamentals of Islamic thought. It deals with the crucial issue of the basis & formation of the Islamic personality (shakhsiya), The correct understanding of the widely debated yet vague subject of Al Qada wal Qadr, The Qur'an, its revelation and its compilation, The Sunnah, Hadith, its sciences and the classification of ahadith, Fiqh and its principles (Usul Al-Fiqh), Tafseer In the past and present and the correct method of performing tafseer. All the things you will learn with this book cannot be explained in a short description. You will gain 422 pages of deep knowledge & understanding about what constitutes the Islamic Personality & how to develop and nurture it. He

The Ousting of Egypt's Morsi

By  Adnan Khan Muhammad Morsi, the now disgraced and overthrown President of Egypt, received a rude awakening on the first anniversary of his rule, as the head of the Egyptian Armed Forces, General Sisi orchestrated the removal of Morsi from power; effectively a coup. Widespread protests rocked Egypt as many took to the streets to vent their frustrations at the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) dominated government. The MB swept to power under the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP), winning the parliamentary elections in early 2012 and then subsequently winning the presidential run-off.  A year on, however, the political career of both Morsi and the MB has been brought to an abrupt end. The MB struggled to solve the myriad of problems that faced Egypt, while simultaneously battling thugs in the street, a seditious opposition, corruption in the judiciary, and a state that is in shambles at many levels. As Morsi and the MB determine their futures, RO reviews the four fundamental reasons why the

Egypt: Did the Era of Mubarak Ever End?

On Monday July 1st, as reported by world media, the Egyptian armed forces issued a 48 hour ultimatum to President Mohammed Morsi stating:  " The armed forces repeat their call for the people's demands to be met and give everyone 48 hours as a last chance…The national security of the state is in severe danger…[the armed forces] will be obliged by its patriotic and historic responsibilities... to announce a road map for the future and the steps for overseeing its implementation, with participation of all patriotic and sincere parties and movements”. Shortly thereafter, Morsi rejected the ultimatum. After the 48 hour ultimatum passed, the U.S. backed army ousted the elected government and put into power the head of Egypt's supreme constitutional court, Adli Mansour – who hails from the era of Mubarak. As reported by Reuters, “He was hired in the state's administrative court in 1970 and stayed there until he became the vice chairman of the court in 1992 before moving to t