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Q&A: Sincere Repentance from Sin

Question: Assalamu Alaikum,  may Allah help you and give you success. I want to ask you a question that deeply scares me: The one who repents from his sin but then falls back into it, is the old sin written again? It was reported about sincere repentance from His سبحانه وتعالى saying: تُوبُوا إِلَى اللَّـهِ تَوْبَةً نَّصُوحًا "repent to Allah with sincere repentance" (At-Tahrim: 8) That the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said: «هو العبد يتوب من الذنب ثم لا يعود فيه أبدا» "The servant repents from the sin and then never returns to it." Therefore sincere repentance is to never return to the sin. The second part of the question: Do all the good deeds (hassanat) of one who fell into Kufr and then returned to Islam vanish, while his bad deeds (say'iat) remain!! Because it was narrated from the Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم: قال رجلٌ: لا يَغفِرُ اللهُ لِفلانٍ! فأوْحَى اللهُ إلى نبيٍّ من الأنْبياءِ: إنَّها خطِيئةٌ فلْيستقبِلِ العمَلَ "A m

Russian Special Services (FSB) Seize Books and Plant Weapons to defame Hizb ut-Tahrir

On Tuesday 10th December the Russian mass media with reference to the website of MIA reported the news that there was a massive special operation in Dagestan held to stop the activity of the international organization of Hizb ut Tahrir. On suspicion of Hizb ut Tahrir's involvement, there were 47 searches, 52 people detained, 3 residents of Makhachkala arrested. All actions of the Special Services were carried out under the previously initiated criminal cases of Part 1 Article 30, 278 and Part 1 Article 282 RF CC. i.e. "an attempt to seize power by overthrow of constitutional order" and "extremism". To endorse the lies that Hizb ut-Tahrir's objective was a forcible overthrow of constitutional order in Russia, they planted grenades and home-made explosives during the searches, where Islamic literature was seized. From this the authorities proved once again that they had nothing to oppose the call of Hizb ut Tahrir except dirty lies and brutal force. R

Oh Rulers of Lebanon! Why do you abandon Syrian refugees to the winter storm?

Oh Rulers of Lebanon: Do You Not Deem those Displaced by the Slaughterer's Massacre to be from the Class of Human Beings, Abandoning Them to the Storm of the Deadly Frost?! A wave of bitter cold, accompanied by snow, heavy rains and storms is  plaguing the country . Therefore the Ministry of Education decided to suspend schools and confine students to their homes. The Security Services, the Civil Defense and the Ministry of Works are mobilizing all forces and energy – at least as claimed by the authority – distributing warnings and guidelines to the people on how to deal with this wave. Most people sheltered in their homes for fear of frost, cold wind and flood risks. They secured for themselves all the various heating methods, and do not leave their homes and workplaces, unless absolutely necessary. Besides this scene, on the same land, in the same country, perhaps a few meters away, there is a blatantly contrary scene! This scene shudders the hearts of those who hold a t