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Khutbah Jumu’ah | Bayt ul Maqdis | Sheikh ‘Isaam ‘Ameera | 06/12/2013.

The following is a translation of the Sheikh's Khutba.  A single general is more powerful than a hundred corrupted political parties Part one: O people gathered! After the Egyptian revolution that resulted in the deposing of President Mubarak from his position, many people believed that a new era of freedom and justice would prevail in the land of Al-Kinaanah (Egypt). The optimism of some reached the level of founding a political party carrying the name of ‘Freedom and justice’ due to the new era that they thought its sun had already shined bright. They thought that they would be capable of entering into free and fair elections under its shade and grab hold of the reins of ruling in Egypt. They made the issue Islamic in a gradual approach which would lead to the rightly guided Khilafah upon the methodology of the Prophethood! In the period after the revolution they then established more than one hundred political parties including amongst them a party that called its

Explanation of At-Takattul al-Hizbi (Party Structuring) - Part 1

Sharh At-Takattul Al-Hizbi (Explanation of Party Structuring ) by Sheikh Mohammad Al-Hawarey (rh).  This is a translation from Sheikh Hawarey's explanation of the unique book by Sheikh Taqiuddin an-Nabhani.  Part One: When the calamities descend upon the Ummah that are followed up by occurrences in which Zhulm (oppression) dominates and the affairs of the people are handed to those who are not qualified to undertaken them, the people begin to grumble and complain. This discontent transfers to becoming a general sensation and feeling of being oppressed. This sensation becomes embodied within some of the people which then drives them into activity and to move to repel the oppression, get rid of Fasaad (corruption), raise the status of their society and Ummah and to revive with her to reach the level that they wish for her to attain. It is only natural that these people will then resort to structuring (forming a group) so as to establish the capa

Audio: The Spiritual and Political 'Aqeedah

Abu Ismael starts off by quoting Surah Nisa Ayah 65 in order to make the connection between iman and hukm (life's affairs) and showing it is the greatest of matters since Allah has taken the oath upon Himself on this matter. He then explains working for Islam as a solution to life's affairs in terms of comparing it with other systems (e.g. the 'aqeedah of secularism) and Allah warning about this in terms of tawheed rububiyyah. The brother then makes parallels in the times of the seerah, what the concept of 'worship' actually is in Islam and how it relates to us today He then explains Surah Baqarah Ayah 85 and differentiates between the purpose of mankind and the objective of Islam itself.