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Explanation of At-Takattul al-Hizbi (Party Structuring) - Part 6

Sharh At-Takattul Al-Hizbi  (Explanation of  Party Structuring ) by  Sheikh Mohammad Al-Hawarey  (rh).  This is a translation from Sheikh Hawarey's explanation of the unique book by Sheikh Taqiuddin an-Nabhani.  To access part 5 click here   The true Philosophy for the Nahdah (revival): The true philosophy for the revival, where philosophy means the fundamental thought, is the ideology that combines the thought and the method together. It is essential that this understanding is made clear to every Takattul that aims to go ahead with serious work that leads to revival. And when we say a Mabda’ (ideology) that combines the thought and the method together after having already defined the ideology to be the rational (‘Aqliy) Aqeedah from which a system emanates, then the Fikrah of this Mabda’ is: 1) The Aqeedah of the Mabda’: Meaning the Imaan in Allah, His angels, books, Messengers and the Day of Judgment. 2) Mu’aalajaat (treatments/sol

The Sacrifices of the Noble Scholars of India: the Revolution That Wasn’t

The Sacrifices of the Noble Scholars of India: the Revolution That Wasn’t In the year 1857, one of the most important uprisings in world history took place. This is classified as one of the most important because it was against the British and in their biggest and most important colony – India. If successful, it could have emboldened colonised people everywhere and inspired them to revolt against the then burgeoning and colossal British Empire. As it is, it has gone down in history as one of the most important and spectacular FAILED uprisings. Tired of the British colonial rule and oppression; the people from various parts of India rose up against the colonialists. The rebellion started when sepoys (soldiers) employed by the British East India Company revolted after continued discrimination, including forcing acts upon them that contradicted their religious beliefs. This was the case for both Muslim and Hindu sepoys. However the rebellion quickly spread to other people, includ

Wrangling at the Geneva 2 conference and the future of Ash-Shaam

Wrangling at the Geneva 2 conference and the future of Ash-Shaam The Geneva 2 conference has raised the stature of the Syrian regime and despite being engaged in the most brutal crimes against the Syrian people that have included every imaginable evil against the whole people including their children, women and elderly they have been presented as equal partners in these negotiations. This current conference ended without any results or resolutions and was reported by news agencies to have ended in argument and sharp disagreement whilst Lakhdar Ibrahimi said that the talks were planned to resume on February the 10 th . This indicates that the US and all those who support the unified position which has clearly established the aim of preserving the regime whilst bringing in some new faces from the supposed opposition, it indicates that they are not in a rush to see these negotiations come to a quick resolution. This is clear by the relaxed attitude of the Syrian regime which is s