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Justice for Women cannot come from Minds Shaped by Capitalism

The extent which violence against women has reached in Turkey has driven even NGO's to make proposals which express their despair. Ultimately nobody in Turkey believes anymore that the policies regarding women, who are in need of protection, practised by the state so far, are sufficient. Moreover, everybody complains that none of the state's units fulfils its duties regarding the protection of women adequately As a result of this, at the end of February 2014, the "Survival Guide 2014" prepared by Şefkat-Der, who provides shelter for women under violence, suggested to women who face violence and who are under risk:  "[...] in order to defend yourself, wound your partner. [... ] neutralize the potential killer before he kills you."  Furthermore, the woman who faces violence and can not escape was suggested - after consulting an attorney - to commit a little crime that does not harm others, but leads to a short-time imprisonment, which is to be safer tha

Explanation of At-Takattul al-Hizbi (Party Structuring) - Part 11

Sharh At-Takattul Al-Hizbi  (Explanation of  Party Structuring ) by  Sheikh Mohammad Al-Hawarey  (rh).  This is a translation from Sheikh Hawarey's explanation of the unique book by Sheikh Taqiuddin an-Nabhani.  To access part 10 click  here By making the disbelievers personality the high example for the Muslims and due to the competition between the disbelievers to drain the blood of the Muslims, seeking help from the disbeliever became a natural matter and consequence and indeed it became (in their eyes) and essential indispensable) matter. The French took up aiding the Palestinians in their revolution whilst the English did the same in respect to the Syrians and Lebanese in their revolution and so on. It became a matter of certainty for the politicians that they were unable to achieve any goal or any objective without relying upon the foreigner’s help. It was as seeking help and reliance upon the disbeliever had become a ruling from amongst the

Do you know what this number represents?

Nine hundred and eighty-seven billion and five hundred million Dollars (987500000000). This is the amount that the Arab rulers have spent on arming themselves between 2004 and 2013. If this amount which the rulers have spent on arms was divided amongst the inhabitants of the Arab lands then each individual would obtain 3000 Dollars and so a family of six  for example would receive what amounts to 18,000 Dollars. In these last ten years the Arabs have not launched any wars and they did not liberate Palestine as they claim they intend to. Rather we have seen in these years the participation of these rulers in the division of Sudan in addition assisting in the wars that America launched upon the Ummah in Iraq, Afghanistan and Shaam. The number of victims in these last ten years including those killed, injured and driven from their homes numbers 10 million in the Arabic lands alone. The Zionist attack upon the Iraqi nuclear site took place by passing through the a