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The dec­la­ra­tion by the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham ( ISIS ), regard­ing its estab­lish­ment of the Caliphate sent rip­ples around the world. Stretch­ing from Diyala province, Iraq, to Aleppo, Syria, the dec­la­ra­tion has placed the ‘Caliphate’ on the global map and led to a raft of responses by Mus­lims and Non-Muslims alike. The new Islamic State ( IS ) called for pledges from all groups and mus­lims, across the world[1] and requested for doc­tors, engi­neers, lawyers, econ­o­mists and any­one with skills to migrate to the islamic lands and aid the build­ing of the new caliphate[2]. The announce­ment, how­ever,  has largely failed to achieve the cen­tre of grav­ity the new  IS  had hoped, as many con­sider the Shari’ con­di­tions not to have been met, whilst oth­ers have been scep­ti­cal of the dec­la­ra­tion. Despite wide­spread sup­port for the return of the Caliphate the  ISIS  Caliphate has strug­gled to gain wide­spread sup­port and they’re five key rea­sons for this.

Types of Leadership [ English Translation]

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Types of leadership There are three types of leadership in the dunya : innovative leadership, inspirational leadership and intelligent leadership, and there is no other leadership, because then it will not be leadership. Intelligent Leadership: It is like an intelligent man with an aware sensation, sufficient intellectual wealth and the use of this wealth as a tool that makes it keep pace with the events and go with the incidents at their level and it does not allow itself to come to them late. This is evident on normal days, but if it is hit by calamities, it becomes in need of making unusual efforts to keep hold of the issues, to carry on leading the passengers, and maintain the level of leadership as it is, unscathed. Inspirational Leadership: It is like a genius who is the first in everything, refusing to be at the level of the people, rather he is keen to remain their first and foremost. This inspiring leadership is in an exceptional cla

Gaza under Attack! So where is the Egyptian Regime? Why is it in Deep Slumber?

Four days of brutal bombings has passed on our people in Gaza by the monstrous Jewish entity, yet we did not hear a statement from the President of the Republic, Abdel Fatah As-Sissi; who still in his televised interviews repeat the song "Masaft As-Sika (we are on the way)" to protect the Arab and Gulf security, as if neighboring Gaza to the Egyptian border is not part of the "Arab Security" and not even part of "the Egyptian National Security". Despite his appearance on Monday 7th of this current month of July, in a recorded speech on the Anniversary of the Jewish defeat by the Egyptian Army that took place on the 10th of Ramadhan. But he did not even hint to what is taking place in Gaza. Perhaps he was sufficed with the boring repeated speech by Mr. Badr Abdal Aaty, the Egyptian Foreign Ministry spokesman, who was satisfied with just mere accusations and condemnation, as is the habit of all previous rulers. So how is the "Palestinian issue&qu

Announcement of Khilafah by ISIS: Real Establishment of Khilafah will change the world order

After the announcement of Khilafah by ISIS in Iraq, Muslims around the world are in dilemma whether Khilafah state actually has been established or this announcement is just rhetoric. Muslims must know that any group which has to announce the Khilafah in a place is obligated to follow the Methodology of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم in it, and from it is that this group should have the obvious visible authority on the place, where it can maintain security internally and externally, and that this place should have what constitutes a state where the Khilafah is announced....This is what the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم performed when he established the Islamic State in Madina Al-Munawarra: the authority was with the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم and the internal and external security was with Muslims and they had what constitutes a state in the surrounding area. The group that has announced the Caliphate has neither authority, in either Syria or Iraq, nor does it has the capabilit

93 Months of Ramadan Have Passed Without a Khaleefah!

O Muslims let this be the Last Month of Ramadan We have Without a Khaleefah! Praise is to Allah سبحانه وتعالى who made us witness the month of Ramadan, its beginning is mercy, its middle is forgiveness and its end is protection from Hellfire. Ninety-three months of Ramadan have passed without a Khaleefah. Here we are welcoming another new Ramadan and we are divided and torn. The Muslim Ummah since the destruction of the Khilafah in 1342 AH has never fasted the month on the same day. When we had our Khilafah, we fasted on the same day and celebrated Eid on the same day. Since then we have been falling from one disaster to another and from one calamity to another, we became torn and dispersed, and lost our strength, because we lost our State. Our statistical number exceeded a billion Muslims, yet we are like the foam on the sea. Our Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم saying matches our reality: «يُوشِكُ أَنْ تَدَاعَى عَلَيْكُمْ الْأُمَمُ مِنْ كُلِّ أُفُقٍ كَمَا تَدَاعَى الْأ

Iraq in Crisis - Part 2

In this sec­ond part of  Revolution  Observers  spe­cial report, look­ing at the cri­sis in Iraq, the win­ners and losers from the cur­rent upris­ing are analysed  By  Idrees Devries Despite their lim­ited role in the cur­rent upris­ing in Iraq,  ISIS  has ben­e­fit­ted from the events sub­stan­tially. The expo­sure it has been given by the inter­na­tional media has aided it’s inter­na­tional recruit­ment effort. It is unde­ni­able that there are Mus­lims who believe fight­ing against the West­ern sup­ported regimes estab­lished in the Mus­lims world by the colo­nial pow­ers (pri­mar­ily Amer­ica and Britain) is the cor­rect path towards revival of the Islamic Nation (Ummah). The suc­cess of  ISIS  in Iraq increases the appeal of this orga­ni­za­tion to these Mus­lims. In addi­tion, it has been reported that  ISIS  has been able to cap­ture sub­stan­tial amounts of highly sophis­ti­cated weapons dur­ing the raid on Mosul – Amer­i­can Army sup­plied Humvee’s and Jeeps, tanks, ant