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The Muslim revolutions: That which is required to make them a sound and productive process towards change

Al-Wa'ie Issue 334 Dhu-l-Qa'dah 1435/September 2014 Introductory word from Al-Wa'ie: The Muslim revolutions: That which is required to make them a sound and productive process towards change and the path forward. Four years ago the talk was about a radical change from the roots and a comprehensive revolution within the Arab lands which was met with huge skepticism and mockery by many at the time. Then the region exploded like a volcano which tossed its lava out in all directions following the 'Bouazizi' incident witnessed by the small town of Sayyidi Bouzaid in Tunisia. The storm then spread to Egypt, Yemen, Libya, Syria, Bahrain and Al-Iraq whilst having a much lesser effect in Jordan, Morocco and Sudan amongst other lands. However these revolutions have all failed until now to meet the aspirations of the people in terms of rooting out corruption, oppression, despotism, subjugation, shame, humiliation, poverty and servitude to the foreigner.

The explanation of Mafaaheem Hizb-ut-Tahrir by Ash-Sheikh Haafizh Saalih - Part 1

Explanation of the Book ‘Mafaaheem Hizb ut Tahrir’ Ash-Sheikh Haafizh (Fareed) Saalih (rh) بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Allah Ta’Aalaa created the human and distinguished him over all other created things by the ‘Aql (mind/intellect) providing him with great capabilities and possibilities which if utilised as they should with a correct realisation and understanding would make him worthy of being a Khaleefah of Allah upon His earth in truth. The priority of carrying the Deen of Allah Al-‘Azheem and conveying it to mankind would then be a priority for him and how could this not be the case when Allah (swt) has said: كُنْتُمْ خَيْرَ أُمَّةٍ أُخْرِجَتْ لِلنَّاسِ تَأْمُرُونَ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ وَتَنْهَوْنَ عَنِ الْمُنْكَرِ وَتُؤْمِنُونَ بِاللَّهِ You are the best Ummah (nation) to have been raised up for mankind, you order the Ma’roof and you forbid the Munkar and you believe in Allah (Aali ‘Imraan 110). Having said that, there are however, bases and principles t

Q&A: Regarding the ayah 3:104 - "Let there arise from you a group..."

The following are some useful questions and answers from the time of Sheikh Abdul Qadeem Zalloom (rh). Question With regards to the ayah 3:104 translated as “Let there arise from you an ummah (group) calling to al-Khair (Islam), enjoining the Marouf (all that is correct) and forbidding the Munkar (all that is evil) and those are the ones who will gain success.” This Ayah (3:104) is the basis of the formation of the correct Political Party. There are some questions that need clarity: When the ayah says Al Khair – we understand this to be ‘all of Islam’ its aqeeda and its systems, its fiqra and its tariqa.   What then makes it an obligation to just call for the resuming of the Islamic way of life by establishing the state? And not call for all within Islam? Some say that all the rules of Islam must be addressed with the people. We understand the enjoining of the maroof and the forbidding of the Munqar to be a duty of the group and its