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We Will Not Abandon Our Prophet (Saw)- statement for Hizb-ut-Tahrir Australia

The scale and immediacy of the politicisation of the Charlie Hebdo incidents last week necessitates an exposition on the issue that would otherwise be undeserving. People are killed everyday around the world in numbers and in circumstances that should put the events in France in perspective. The selective moral outrage displayed by some serves only to devalue the countless more lives lost every other day. It seems some in Australia are arrogantly and irresponsibly heedless of the fact that provoking and insulting a people’s core beliefs is a matter that can only end in acrimony for everyone concerned. If that wasn’t enough, the biggest criminals of the world like Obama and Netanyahu are already seeking to exploit the events of last week for their predictable but nefarious purposes, despite the dust not settling and facts yet to be confirmed. For these reasons, we would like to deliver clear messages to the politicians of Europe and to Muslims. A Message to Europe's politic

Repercussions of the Attack on the Charlie Hebdo Magazine

Francois Hollande, the French president said in a speech before the annual meeting of French ambassadors and diplomats on Friday, 16/01/2015:  "We are not fighting a religion in France, but we are fighting terrorism and hatred."  He stressed the commitment of France to  "freedom of expression and will never negotiate it."  This speech by Hollande comes at the wake of the attack, in which two young Muslims avenged the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم and punished the criminals of the Charlie Hebdo Newspaper who insulted the Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم. In 2007, two Muslim groups in France sued Charlie Hebdo for its decision to publish dozens of Danish caricatures (cartoons) representing Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم; but the French courts dismissed the case on the grounds that "the cartoons come under the laws of freedom of expression, and it is not an attack on Islam."  Also the Judicial Defense of the Muslims' Association filed a law

Dr Abdul Wahid On The Recent Events In Paris

In the aftermath of the events in Paris, with perpetrators still on the run, the West’s press and politicians have set a narrative across the world – that the journalists at Charlie Hebdo were killed as part of a war on free speech and as such they died as martyrs. We could go around in circles with arguments and counter arguments. ‘Had there been no provocation there would have been no backlash’ versus ‘violence is never justified when insulted’. One thing is for sure, in my view. Had any government in the Muslim world taken a robust stand on the on-going insults to the Prophet – peace be upon him – threatening diplomatic action or to cut trade relations over the insulting depictions – I do not believe individuals would feel the frustration to retaliate. This is one of the reasons why calls for the restoration of a legitimate Islamic polity in the Muslim world continue to resonate so strongly amongst Muslims globally – to return stability and independence to the region.